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Dr. Fei Xue | Dentistry| Best Researcher Award

Associate Professor at Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, China

I earned my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and a Ph.D. from Peking University. Since graduation, I have specialized as a periodontist at Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, engaging in medical practice, teaching, and research. My academic contributions include 24 published papers and 7 patent applications. I have led and participated in numerous research projects, presented at national conferences by the Chinese Stomatological Association, and received several honors. I also serve on the Periodontology Group committee of the Bethune Spirit Research Association (BSRA).


  • Clinical Application of Mixed Reality Holographic Imaging Technology in Scaling and Root Planing of Severe Periodontitis: A Proof of Concept
    Journal: Journal of Dentistry
    Year: 2024
    Citations: 0
    Contributors: Xue F., Zhang R., Dai J., Zhang Y., Luan Q.-X.


  • Association of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness with Periodontitis May Depend on Glycemic Control
    Journal: Oral Diseases
    Year: 2024
    Citations: 0
    Contributors: Yang H., Cao P., Wang X., Luan Q., Guo L.


  • Digitally Measured Exposed Root Surface Area for Predicting the Effectiveness of Modified Coronally Advanced Tunnel Combined De-Epithelialized Gingival Grafting in the Treatment of Multiple Adjacent Gingival Recessions
    Journal: Clinical Oral Investigations
    Year: 2023
    Citations: 0
    Contributors: Xue F., Zhang R., Liu J., Zhang Y., Cai Y.


  • Clinical and Computed Tomographic Evaluations of Periodontal Phenotypes in a Chinese Population: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Journal: Clinical Oral Investigations
    Year: 2023
    Citations: 2
    Contributors: Zhang Y., Chen F., Kang N., Xue F., Cai Y.


  • The Use of Shear Wave Elastography to Monitor Changes in Gingival Elasticity Associated with Initial Periodontal Therapy in Patients with Advanced Periodontitis: A Prospective Pilot Study
    Journal: Journal of Dental Sciences
    Year: 2023
    Citations: 1
    Contributors: Xue F., Wu B.-Z., Zhang R., Li N., Sun F.


  • Accuracy of Automatic and Manual Dynamic Navigation Registration Techniques for Dental Implant Surgery in Posterior Sites Missing a Single Tooth: A Retrospective Clinical Analysis
    Journal: Clinical Oral Implants Research
    Year: 2023
    Citations: 8
    Contributors: Wu B.-Z., Xue F., Ma Y., Sun F.


  • Survival of Nonsurgically Splinted Mandibular Anterior Teeth During Supportive Maintenance Care in Periodontitis Patients
    Journal: Journal of Dental Sciences
    Year: 2023
    Citations: 2
    Contributors: Zhang Y., Kang N., Xue F., Cai Y., Luan Q.


  • Periodontitis Induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis Drives Impaired Glucose Metabolism in Mice
    Journal: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
    Year: 2022
    Citations: 4
    Contributors: Kang N., Zhang Y., Xue F., Cai Y., Luan Q.


    Xue Fei is a strong contender for the Best Researcher Award based on her innovative contributions, interdisciplinary approach, and strong research output. Expanding her international presence and editorial roles would further strengthen her already impressive profile.

Fei Xue | Dentistry | Best Researcher Award