seyed matin malakouti | AI | Best Researcher Award Seyed Matin Malakouti is an accomplished Electrical Engineering professional specializing in machine learning and control systems. He holds an MS in
Mr. Fahim Hussain Shah | Agricultural | Young Scientist Award Mr Fahim Hussain Shah  Department of Plant Science Dr. Fahim Hussain Shah is an accomplished engineer and academic with a
Felix Oludare Ajiola | Arts and Humanities | Best Researcher Award Dr Felix Oludare Ajiola, University of Lagos, Nigeria, Nigeria Based on the information provided, Dr Felix Oludare Ajiola appears
Mr. Gizachew Kefelew Hailu | Virtual Reality | Young Scientist Award Mr at Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia I am currently employed as an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department at
Prof.Rabea Abo-Elkhair | Fluid Mechanics | Best Researcher Award Prof Rabea Abo-Elkhair Al Azhar university Egypt Prof. Rabea El Shennawy Abo Elkhair, a distinguished Egyptian professor, specializes in applied mathematics
Dr. Prasanna Naveen Kumar J | Solar Energy | Best Researcher Award Dr. Prasanna Naveen Kumar J, Anna University Chennai, India Dr. Prasanna Naveen Kumar J is a distinguished academic
Mr. Gomera Biyazn | quantum optics | Young Scientist Award Mr at Hawassa University, Ethiopia Gomera Biyazn Dems is a dedicated PhD candidate in Physics at Hawassa University, with a
Mrs. Alemeshet Kebede Yimer | Virtual Reality | Young Scientist Award Mrs at Arba Minch University, Ethiopia Ethiopia Dr. Alemkebede Yimer is a researcher and educator specializing in Irrigation and
Mrs. Masoumeh Fani | swimming Exercise | Young Scientist Award Mrs. Masoumeh Fani, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Iran Mrs. Masoumeh Fani is a distinguished researcher at Gonabad University of
Mr.Gomera Biyazn| quantum optics | Best Researcher Award Mr Gomera Biyazn university Ethiopia Gomera Biyazn Dems is an experienced physics educator with a strong background in Quantum Optics. He has