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Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrLAXMIKANTYADAVNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HAMIRPUR HIMACHAL PRADESHIndiaEngineeringRefrigeration & Air Conditioning, Desiccant Dehumidification, Trigeneration and Poly Generation SystemsBest Researcher Award
DrNarendraYadavBirla Institute of Technology, Mesra, INIndiaChemistryMaterials chemistry, Manufacturing and energy materialsBest Researcher Award
MrMohitYadavDayalbagh Educational InstituteIndiaComputer ScienceIoT and UAVBest Scholar Award
DrMoussaYahaya MaazouUniversité Abdou MoumouniNigerEconomics, Econometrics and FinanceGreen economyBest Researcher Award
DrALIYahyaouiUniversity of Tunis El Manar (UTM), National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT), Communications Systems LaboratoryTunisiaEngineeringAntennas, Metsaurfaces, RFID, OpticsBest Researcher Award
MrSergeyYakimchukInstitute of Physics of the NAS of BelarusBelarusPhysics and AstronomyAcceptor molecules of optical radiationBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrMustafa GurhanYalcinAkdeniz UniversityTurkeyEnvironmental Scienceheavy metal contamination in beach sediments of the ancient cityBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrTuranYAMANVan Yüzüncü Yıl UniversityTurkeyVeterinary Science and Veterinary MedicinePathologyBest Researcher Award
MrKentaYamatsuOG Wellness Technologies Co., LtdJapanHealth ProfessionsPhysical TherapistBest Researcher Award
DrShouleiYanHuazhong Agricultural UniversityChinaAgricultural and Biological SciencesFood ScienceBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrYongliangYanBeijing Jiaotong UniversityChinaSocial SciencesSpace LawBest Researcher Award
DrKunYangCentral Michigan UniversityUnited StatesBusiness, Management and AccountingInternational BusinessBest Researcher Award
DrjianleiYangDezhou universityChinaChemical EngineeringbioplasticsBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrHuachaoYangZhejiang UniversityChinaEnergyNanoscale heat and mass transferBest Researcher Award
DrYingjuYangHuazhong University of Science and TechnologyChinaEnergyCO2 utilizationBest Researcher Award
DrYoujunYangChengdu University of Traditional Chinese MedicineChinaNeuroscienceCognitive functionBest Researcher Award
MrJingfanYangPurdue UniversityUnited StatesMaterials ScienceMetal and Alloy/Structural alloys/Additively manufacturing, environmentally-assisted cracking and radiationBest Researcher Award
ProfHyunYangKorea Maritime & Ocean UniversitySouth KoreaEarth and Planetary SciencesMaritime and OceanBest Researcher Award
Prof DrLiuYangXi'an University of Architecutre and TechnologyChinaEngineeringGreen BuildingBest Researcher Award
DrfanyangKing's College LondonUnited KingdomAgricultural and Biological SciencesCardiovascular science and medicineYoung Scientist Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
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