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Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Prof DrGhodsiMohammadi ZiaraniAlzahra universityIranChemistryNanochemistryBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMohammadHassanNational Research CentreEgyptChemistryCellulose Chemistry and TechnologyBest Researcher Award
Prof DrNaliniSirala JagadeeshSri Ramachandra Faculty of Nursing, SRIHERIndiaNursing and Health ProfessionsObstetrics and Gynaecology NursingBest Researcher Award
Prof DrLeticia MyriamTorres MartínezUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónMexicoMaterials ScienceSolid state reactionBest Researcher Award
Prof DrDanielAgyapongUniversity of Cape CoastGhanaOtherEnvironmental ManagementExcellence in Innovation
Prof DrIskandarMudaUniversitas Sumatera UtaraIndonesiaBusiness, Management and AccountingPublic Sector AccountingBest Researcher Award
Prof DrTaoDingXi’an Jiaotong UniversityChinaEngineeringPower SystemBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMohamedAbd El GhanyGUCEgyptEngineeringElectronics EngineeringExcellence in Research
Prof DrKarimEl MoutaouakilUSMBAMoroccoComputer ScienceAI, Optim. Contr., Oper. Search., Numer. Analy., Deep Learn., Smart. Local. Search.,...Excellence in Research
Prof DrGilmarPerbiche NevesUniversidade Federal de São CarlosBrazilAgricultural and Biological SciencesEcologia/Zooplâncton/CopepodaBest Researcher Award
Prof DrGyöngyvérMolnárUniversity of SzegedHungarySocial SciencesEducationBest Researcher Award
Prof DrAdela JingLiSouth China Agricultural UniversityChinaEnvironmental ScienceEmerging contaminants, human health, risk assessmentBest Researcher Award
Prof DrROBERTMATOSFederal University of AmapáBrazilEarth and Planetary SciencesFísica da Materia condensadaBest Researcher Award
Prof DrWenwuChenLanzhou UniversityChinaEngineeringGeotechnical Engineering, Geological Hazard and Contral, Heritage ConservationBest Researcher Award
Prof DrZhaojunLiChinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesChinaEnvironmental ScienceRecycling of livestock and poultry wastes for sustainable developmentBest Researcher Award
Prof DrRenukaSharmaChitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab, IndiaIndiaEconomics, Econometrics and FinanceFinanceBest Researcher Award
Prof DrFangHuHubei University of Chinese MedicineChinaComputer ScienceMachine Learning, Complex Networks, Mobile ComputingBest Researcher Award
Prof DrAntarBandyopadhyayIndian Statistical Institute, Delhi CentreIndiaMathematicsProbability TheoryBest Researcher Award
Prof DrSanketGoelBITS Pilani Hyderabad CampusIndiaEngineeringMEMS, Micro/NanoelectronicsExcellence in Innovation
Prof DrChiyuanMiaoBeijing Normal UniversityChinaEarth and Planetary SciencesHydrologyBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
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