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Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Prof DrKaanYetilmezsoyYildiz Technical UniversityTurkeyEngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMohamedBalahDesert Research CenterEgyptAgricultural and Biological SciencesAgriculture / weed science and managementBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMd. YeaminHossainUniversity of RajshahiBangladeshAgricultural and Biological SciencesFisheriesBest Researcher Award
Prof DrNaeemAliQuaid-I-Azam UniversityPakistanImmunology and MicrobiologyMicrobial Biotechnology and BioengineeringBest Researcher Award
Prof DrElenaMartín-GarcíaUniversitat Pompeu FabraSpainNeuroscienceAddictionBest Researcher Award
Prof DrXiangbinRanFirst Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural ResourcesChinaEarth and Planetary SciencesMarine ScienceBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMinhuiLiBaotou Medical CollegeChinaPharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical ScienceTraditional Chinese Medicine, Natural products chemistry, EthnopharmacologyBest Researcher Award
Prof DrLiuYangXi'an University of Architecutre and TechnologyChinaEngineeringGreen BuildingBest Researcher Award
Prof DrAjitLawareDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.IndiaEngineeringSliding Mode Control, Process Control Systems, An Optimization.Best Researcher Award
Prof DrYoung KwanSohnGyeongsang National UniversitySouth KoreaEarth and Planetary SciencesVolcanology, sedimentologyBest Researcher Award
Prof DrDANWUWuhan Institute of TechnologyChinaEnvironmental Scienceplastics upvaluingBest Researcher Award
Prof DrYanjunRenCollege of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F UniversityChinaEconomics, Econometrics and FinanceAgricultural Economics, Food Economics, Health Economics and Consumer BehaviorBest Researcher Award
Prof DrGangZhangChang'an UniversityChinaEngineeringBridge engineeringBest Researcher Award
Prof DrKyudongHanDankook UniversitySouth KoreaBiochemistry, Genetics and Molecular BiologyComparative GenomicsBest Faculty Award
Prof DrJagdharMandalPg PHYSICS,T.M.B.U BHAGALPUR BIHAR 812007IndiaPhysics and AstronomyMaterials scienceBest Researcher Award
Prof DrXingXuZhejiang University of Science and TechnologyChinaBusiness, Management and AccountingInternational BusinessBest Researcher Award
Prof DrZhouWangbaoCentral South UniversityChinaEngineeringStructural EngineeringBest Researcher Award
Prof DrShiChenInstitute of geophysics, China Earthquake AdministrationChinaEarth and Planetary SciencesGravity, Earthquake Science, GeodynamicBest Researcher Award
Prof DrErichKirchlerUniversity of ViennaAustriaSocial SciencesEconomic PsychologyExcellence in Research
Prof DrHong LongChenNational University of TainanTaiwanBusiness, Management and Accountingoperations and production managementBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
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