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Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrSaepudinMashuriFaculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Datokarama, Palu, Central SulawesiIndonesiaSocial SciencesIslamic Education, Multicultural, Religious ModerationYoung Scientist Award
MrJongWonLeeIndiana UniversitySouth KoreaSocial SciencesPolitical TheoryBest Researcher Award
ProfSang-EunLeeAndong National University/ UCL IOESouth KoreaSocial SciencesEducationBest Researcher Award
ProfHowardGilesUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraUnited StatesSocial SciencesCommunicationBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrThourayaSnoussiUniversity of SharjahUnited Arab EmiratesSocial SciencesMass CommunicationBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrXuZhangWuhan University of TechnologyChinaSocial SciencesHuman GeographyBest Researcher Award
MrsAnjezaLlubaniFaculty of Architecture, Institute of Urbanism, Graz University of TechnologyAustriaSocial SciencesUrban StudiesBest Researcher Award
DrAmandaTingTorrens University AustraliaAustraliaSocial SciencesHospitality and TourismBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrElżbietaOpiłowskaUniversity of WrocławPolandSocial SciencesBorder StudiesBest Researcher Award
MrThomasAdinoWoldia UniversityEthiopiaSocial SciencesPolitical Science and International RelationsBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrAshrafElfakharaniTaif University, Saudi ArabiaSaudi ArabiaSocial SciencesLawExcellence in Research
Assoc. Prof. DrEsmaeilJafariShahid Beheshti UniversityIranSocial SciencesEducationBest Researcher Award
DrVajiheBaghersadNational University Skills (NUS)IranSocial SciencesSubdomain: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Innovation Management, Data-Driven Decision Making Subject: Entrepreneurship, Business Startups, Competitiveness in Business Service Area: Entrepreneurial Education, Business Consulting, Developmental ResearchBest Researcher Award
DrRakeshKumarICAR RC NEH Umiam, Meghalaya-793 103IndiaVeterinary Science and Veterinary MedicineAnimal Genetics and BreedingBest Researcher Award
ProfDapengPengHuazhong Agricultural UniversityChinaVeterinary Science and Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Drug Residues and Animal Derived Food SafetyBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMd. Shohel AlFarukChattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityBangladeshVeterinary Science and Veterinary MedicineRearing System, Socio-economic status and Common Diseases Frequency of Goats in the Northern part of BangladeshBest Researcher Award
DrSharifulIslamInstitute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and ResearchBangladeshVeterinary Science and Veterinary MedicineWildlife Disease EpidemiologyBest Researcher Award
DrAnaBorgesFaculty of Veterinary Medicine, Lisbon UniversityPortugalVeterinary Science and Veterinary MedicineFood Technology and SafetyWomen Researcher Award
ProfJuan RaúlLucas LópezUniversidad Nacional Mayor de San MarcosPeruVeterinary Science and Veterinary MedicineFood Safety & Food TechnologyBest Researcher Award
Prof DrSaraCaceresUniversity Complutense of MAdridSpainVeterinary Science and Veterinary MedicineCanine Mammary CancerBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
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