Etienne Memin | Systemes Dynamiques |Best Researcher Award

Mr. Etienne Memin | Systemes Dynamiques  | Best Researcher Award

PHD at Rennes I University

👨‍🏫 🌊  Since 2022, I’ve proudly led the interdisciplinary ODYSSEY research group, a collaborative effort affiliated with Inria, Ifremer, Institut Mines-Télécom Atlantique, the University of Western Brittany Brest, and the University of Rennes. Spanning locations in Brest and Rennes, our team operates within three CNRS laboratories, focusing on Mathematics (IRMAR/INSMI), Earth Sciences and Astronomy (LOPS/INSU), and Computer Science (Lab-STICC/INSSII). Comprising 21 permanent Researchers, 1 Research Engineer, 23 Ph.D. students, and 6 post-doctoral fellows, our group converges expertise in Physical Oceanography, Computational Science, Data Analysis, and Applied Mathematics. Our research endeavors aim to merge data-driven ocean models, physics-based approaches, and observational data, with a primary focus on ocean dynamics modeling and analysis. With strong international partnerships and expertise in stochastic modeling, machine learning, and data assimilation, our group continues to forge new paths in understanding and modeling ocean dynamics. 🌍🔍

🌐 Professional Profiles:

🎓 Education

2003: Habilitation degree in Computer Science, Rennes I University 1993: PhD in Computer Science, Rennes I University

💼 Professional Experience

Visiting Professor at Imperial College London (2020-2026) Research Director (Full Professor status) at Inria and Leader of the Fluminance Inria research group Invited Research Position at the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, University of Buenos Aires Leadership in basic research competitive European projects Tenured Assistant Professor roles and Lecturer positions at esteemed universities.

🔬 Research Interests & Contributions

Developing large-scale stochastic dynamical models, Identifying reduced-order dynamical models, Creating specialized flow measurement techniques, Designing data assimilation frameworks.

🌐 Scientific Responsibilities: Leadership roles in significant research teams and projects, Active involvement in national and international collaborative projects, Co-PI for ERC STUOD (Stochastic Transport for Upper Ocean Dynamics) 📰 Editorial Board Membership: Associate Editor of esteemed journals, including Image and Vision Computing Journal and International Journal in Computer Vision 🎙️ Conferences & Workshops: Participation as a keynote speaker or lecturer in various prestigious conferences and workshops worldwide, focusing on SPDEs, data assimilation, climate dynamics, and related areas. 🎓 Theses & Post-doctoral Supervision: Supervision of numerous PhD students and post-doctoral fellows Strong success rate of alumni securing positions in academia, industry, and post-doctoral roles Mentoring recipients of prestigious awards for their outstanding theses 💻 Major Software Contributions: Significant contributions to software developments in the realm of real-time motion estimation and atmospheric wind estimation, with notable impact and recognition.

🔍 Research Focus 🌐

Within geophysical fluid dynamics and stochastic modeling, the collaborative research led by E. Mémin delves into diverse aspects. Their investigations span understanding turbulent flows (like channel flow and boundary layers) using stochastic models and data assimilation techniques. These endeavors explore various phenomena, such as surface waves, high-rise wind flow reconstruction, and uncertain environmental conditions affecting fluid dynamics. Methodologically, the research aims to develop advanced algorithms and mathematical frameworks for diagnosing, analyzing, and simulating complex geophysical systems. The ultimate goal lies in enhancing our comprehension of fluid behavior and its role in shaping environmental patterns through probabilistic and variational data-driven methodologies. 🌊✨

Peer Reviewer & Academic Engagements

Mr. Etienne Memin citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

Citations: 6043 (All), 1947  (Since 2019)
h-index: 43 (All), 25 (Since 2018)
i10-index: 96 (All), 50 (Since 2018)

Top Noted Publications 📚:

Application of optical flow for river velocimetry Paper Published in 2017 Cited by 9

María José Hernández Salazar | Geodynamics | Best Researcher Award

María José Hernández Salazar | Geodynamics | Best Researcher Award

👨‍🏫Prof Dr María José Hernández Salazar ,  Prof Dr at University of University of Gävle Sweden, Department of Development Geodynamics , stands as a distinguished Academician/Research Scholar in the domain of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Holding a PhD in Geosciences, Natural Resources Nice-Paris-France and Environment Sorbonne Université, their professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

🎓 Education

Ph.D. in Geosciences, Natural Resources and Environment Sorbonne Université, Nice-Paris-France 2020, Master in Earth Sciences Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Nice-France 2014,  Geological Engineer Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito-Ecuador 2012.

🌍 Profile

Passionate about geological and geodynamic processes related to active margins, particularly the geological evolution of the forearc domain in Ecuador. Committed to education and employing libertarian pedagogy, emphasizing practical learning and critical thinking.

💼 Professional Experience

National Polytechnic School, Department of Geology Quito, Ecuador 2013 – 2014 Responsible for the Microscopy Laboratory, Petrographic Museum, and Marine Geology Research Project. Engaged in Geoscience Education Project teaching for children. Taught courses on Introduction to Geology, Mineralogy, Optical Mineralogy, Geophysics, Field Geology, and Geological Projects. Petróleos de Venezuela SA Exploration Team, Quito, Ecuador 2013 Member of the Geomorphology and Geology team in the National Mapping Project. Space Institute of Ecuador Quito, Ecuador 2012 Engaged in Geotechnics and soil resistance for infrastructure works.

📚 Skills

  • Geodynamics & Geology
  • Marine Geology
  • Structural & Tectonics
  • Subsurface Geophysics
  • Seismic Interpretation
  • Field Geology
  • Mineralogy

📚 Top Noted Publications