Mr. Jatin CHAUDHARY |Solar Energy|Young Scientist Award
🎓 Education
University of Turku, Department of Future Technologies | Turku, Finland Doctoral Researcher (Computer Assisted Diagnostics for Prostate Cancer Detection using AI) Jan 2023 – Present. Responsibilities: Probabilistic Modeling, Radiomics, MRI analysis, Foundation Model for Prostate Cancer Detection, Machine Learning, Deep Learning Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT) | Surat, India. Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Electronics and Communication Engineering 2017-2021 Cumulative GPA: 7.13/10
đź’Ľ Professional Experience
University of Turku, Department of Future Technologies | Turku, Finland Project Researcher (Data Science & Machine Learning)
June 2019 – July 2019. Tools & Technologies: Python (TensorFlow, Keras, sklearn, pandas), LateX. Tasks: Algorithm Development, Classification models on Sentinel 1 and 2 Dataset, CNN architectural development. Penn Image Computing and Science Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania Research Trainee (Medical Imaging and Software Development) Sept 2021 – Sept 2023. Responsibilities: Data Analysis and Segmentation of Aortic Valve Ultrasound data using ITK Snap, VTK, MATLAB, C3D. Contributions: Algorithm Designing of Image Segmentation of 4D image using C3D, Contribution to an open-source software. University of Turku, Department of Future Technologies | Turku, Finland Research Trainee (Data Science & Machine Learning) June 2019 – July 2019. Tools & Technologies: Python (TensorFlow, Keras, sklearn, pandas), LateX. Tasks: MATLAB implementation of Artificial Neural Network techniques for the optimization problem of Single Junction Solar Cells. SV National Institute of Technology, Applied Physics Department | Surat, India Undergraduate Researcher (Advance Optics Research Laboratory) September 2017- July 2018. Focus: Deflection of particle nature of light ray by strong external electric and magnetic field
📚 Publications
- Optimization of Silicon Tandem Solar Cells using Artificial Neural Networks
- Authors: JH Jatin Kumar Chaudhary, Jiaqing Liu, Jukka-Pekka Skön, Yen Wie Chen
- Publication: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 11927 (SGAI-AI 2019, LNAI), 1–12, 2019
- Citations: 7
- Year: 2019
- Elemental, Optical, and Electrochemical Study of CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite-Based Hole Transport Layer-Free Photodiode
- Authors: J Chaudhary, S Choudhary, B Agrawal, AS Verma
- Journal: Semiconductors 54, 1023-1031
- Citations: 4
- Year: 2020
- Human Presence Detection with Thermal Sensor using Multilayer Perceptron Algorithm
- Authors: L Puurunen, J Chaudhary, R Kanth, J Heikkonen
- Conference: 7th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things WF-IoT 2021
- Citations: 3
- Year: 2021
- Image quality assessment by integration of low-level & high-level features: threshold similarity index
- Authors: J Chaudhary, DR Pant, S Pokharel, JP Skön, J Heikkonen, R Kanth
- Conference: 2022 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 135-141
- Citations: 2
- Year: 2022
- Educational Approach to the Internet of Things (IoT) Concepts and Applications
- Authors: R Kanth, T Korpi, A Toppinen, K Myllymäki, J Chaudhary, J Heikkonen
- Conference: 6th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and …
- Citations: 2
- Year: 2019
- Analysis and Enhancement of Quantum Efficiency for a Multi-Junction Solar Cell
- Authors: JH Jatin Chaudhary, Rajeev Kumar Kanth, Jukka-Pekka Skön
- Citations: 2
- Year: 2019
- Numerical Investigations on the Type-II Band Alignment and Quantum Efficiency of Multi-junction Solar Cell using Anderson’s Rule
- Authors: JH Ankul Prajapati, Jatin Kumar Chaudhary, Rajeev Kanth, Jukka-Pekka Skön
- Conference: Third International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental …
- Citations: 2
- Year: 2018
- Performance analysis of back surface field (BSF) effects in multijunction photovoltaic cell
- Authors: J Chaudhary, R Kanth, J Heikkonen
- Conference: 2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 1207-1211
- Citations: 1
- Year: 2020
- Cross-Vendor Reproducibility of Radiomics-based Machine Learning Models for Computer-aided Diagnosis
- Authors: J Chaudhary, I Jambor, H Aronen, O Ettala, J Saunavaara, P Boström
- Platform: arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.18060
- Year: 2024
- Methyl-ammonium lead iodide hybrid perovskite thin film as active material for energy conversion devices
- Authors: J Chaudhary, R Agrawal, D Kumar, SK Pathak, M Chandra, S Kumar
- Journal: Journal of Ovonic Research 20 (2)
- Year: 2024