Elharrar Noureddine | Applied Mathematics | ResearchTrailblazer Achievement Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Elharrar Noureddine| Applied Mathematics | ResearchTrailblazer Achievement Award

Dr. Noureddine ELHARRAR is a Maître de Conférence at ISPITS de Safi, Morocco. Born on January 1, 1989, in Kalaa Sraghna, Morocco, he holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from UCD, El-Jadida. His research interests include sanitary statistics, biostatistics, mathematics, demography, and health economics. Dr. ELHARRAR has published extensively on elliptic and parabolic problems with singular nonlinearity. He has presented at numerous international conferences and serves as a reviewer for several scientific journals. Fluent in Arabic, French, and English, he is also proficient in various software and programming languages, including MATLAB, Python, and LaTeX.



Noureddine ELHARRAR: Research Trailblazer Achievement Award Evaluation 🏆

Strengths for the Award 💪
  1. Extensive Research Background: Noureddine ELHARRAR has a robust academic background with a Doctorate in Mathematics focusing on applied mathematics, particularly elliptic and parabolic problems with singular nonlinearity.
  2. Publication Record: He has authored several research papers published in reputable journals such as Applicationes Mathematicae, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, and Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology.
  3. Scientific Contributions: His work on p(·)-Laplacian problems, nonlinear singular terms, and time-discretization methods demonstrates his expertise and significant contributions to mathematical research.
  4. Oral Presentations: Noureddine has presented his research at multiple international conferences, showcasing his ability to communicate complex ideas effectively.
  5. Professional Engagement: He serves as a reviewer for prestigious journals, indicating his recognition and respect within the academic community.
  6. Educational Impact: As a professor at ISPITS de Safi, he has been educating and mentoring students in mathematics, furthering the impact of his knowledge and research.
Areas for Improvements 🌱
  1. Collaborative Research: While Noureddine has co-authored papers, increasing interdisciplinary collaborations could broaden the impact of his research.
  2. Grant Applications: Securing more research grants could provide additional resources and support for his innovative projects.
  3. Technology Integration: Enhancing the application of advanced computational tools in his research could lead to new insights and more efficient problem-solving methods.
  4. Outreach and Engagement: Engaging in more public science communication and outreach activities could help in disseminating his research to a broader audience.

🎓 Éducation

Doctorat en Mathématiques Appliquées (2017-2021) Institution: Faculté des Sciences El-Jadida, UCD, El-Jadida Titre: Elliptic and Parabolic Problems with Singular Nonlinearity Mention: Très honorable. Master en Mathématiques et Applications (2015-2017) Institution: Ecole Normale Supérieur Casablanca, UH2C, Casablanca Diplôme de Qualification Pédagogique (2014-2015) Institution: CRMEF, El-Jadida Licence d’Études Fondamentales (2011-2013) Institution: Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, UCA, Marrakech Diplôme d’Études Universitaires Générales (2008-2011) Institution: Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, UCA, Marrakech. Baccalauréat en Sciences Mathématiques (2008) Institution: Lycée Moulay Ismail, Kalaa Sraghna

👨‍🏫 Expériences Professionnelles

Depuis Sept 2015: Professeur de l’enseignement secondaire qualifiant, spécialité Mathématiques option français, Maroc. Depuis Sept 2015: Professeur de l’enseignement secondaire qualifiant en école privée, spécialité Mathématiques option français, Maroc.

📚  Publications

  • Title: On -Laplacian problem with singular nonlinearity having variable exponent
    • Journal: Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations
    • Year: 2021
    • Cited by: 4
    • Volume: 7
    • Issue: 2
    • Pages: 761-786
    • Contributors: N Elharrar, J Igbida, A Bouhlal


  • Title: p(⋅)p(·)-Laplacian problem with nonlinear singular terms
    • Journal: Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2
    • Year: 2021
    • Cited by: 4
    • Pages: 1-14
    • Contributors: N Elharrar, J Igbida, H Talibi


  • Title: Weighted pp-Laplacian problem with nonlinear singular terms
    • Journal: Ricerche di Matematica
    • Year: 2023
    • Cited by: 3
    • Volume: 72
    • Issue: 1
    • Pages: 45-62
    • Contributors: J Igbida, N Elharrar, H Talibi


  • Title: Mathematical Modeling of the Error Propagation
    • Conference: ICRAMCS
    • Year: 2022
    • Proceedings: 2022 (ISSN: 2605-7700)
    • Contributors: N Elharrar


  • Title: Rothe time-discretization method for Nonlinear Parabolic Problems
    • Journal: Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology
    • Year: 2022
    • Volume: 28
    • Issue: 01
    • Pages: 41-49
    • Contributors: N Elharrar, J Igbida, H Talibi


  • Title: Modélisation et analyse mathématique de la dynamique spatiale des populations
    • Institution: Centre d’Etudes Doctorales (CED): Sciences et Techniques- El Jadida
    • Year: 2018
    • Contributors: IJ El Harrar Noureddine, Talibi Alaoui Hamad


  • Title: Degenerate elliptic equations with a natural growth gradient term and a strongly increasing lower term
    • Journal: Applicationes Mathematicae
    • Year: 2018
    • Volume: 45
    • Pages: 275-291
    • Contributors: J Igbida, A Bouhlal, N Elharrar, H Talibi, A El Hachimi


  • Title: Rothe Time-Discretization Method for Nonlinear Parabolic Problems in Weighted Sobolev Space with Variable Exponents
    • Year: 2010
    • Contributors: N Elharrar, J Igbida


Conclusion 🎓

Noureddine ELHARRAR’s extensive research in applied mathematics, his strong publication record, and active participation in scientific communities make him a strong candidate for the Research Trailblazer Achievement Award. His contributions to the field of mathematics through his work on complex mathematical problems, coupled with his dedication to education and scientific review, underscore his suitability for this prestigious recognition. With continued focus on collaborative research and technological integration, Noureddine’s future endeavors hold great promise for advancing mathematical sciences and their applications.