Sudagar S | Hydrogen Production | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Sudagar S | Hydrogen Production| Best Researcher Award

Dr,IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram, TamilNadu,  India

👩‍🔬  Possessing a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Anna University, with expertise in experimental investigations on alternative fuels.  Demonstrated teaching prowess as an Assistant Professor at IFET College of Engineering and as a Lecturer at Ayyappa Polytechnic, Ulunthurpet.  Equipped with a strong academic background, including an M.Tech in Energy Technology and a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering.  Experienced in handling subjects like Power Plant Engineering, Mechatronics, and Automobile Engineering, alongside managing various laboratory sessions.  Recognized for academic excellence and contributions to the field of mechanical engineering.🌟





🎓Educational Qualification

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering Anna University 2017-2023 Highly Recommended (Viva examination completed on 09.06.2023). M.Tech in Energy Technology Pondicherry Engineering College (Pondicherry University) 2012-2014 First Class. B.E. in Mechanical Engineering
IFET College of Engineering (Anna University) 2007-2011 First Class. HSC State Board 2006-2007 Krishnasamy Memorial Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Cuddalore First Class. SSLC Matriculation 2004-2005 Krishnasamy Memorial Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Cuddalore First Class

🔬Project Work Undertaken

U.G Design and Fabrication of Pick and Place Robot Under the Guidance of Mr. R. Vetri, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram, Tamil NaduPG (Energy Technology) Studies on Pyrolysis of Waste Milk Cover
Under the Guidance of Dr. M. Pugazhvadivu, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Puducherry Technological UniversityPh.D (Mechanical Engineering) Experiment Investigations on Syngas and Esterified Pyrolytic oil Derived From Delonix Regia Pod and Seed in a CI Engine
Under the Supervisor Dr. R. Senthil, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UCEV, Villupuram

💼Work Experience

Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram (Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
Teaching 30.06.2014 to 14.06.2016. Lecturer Mechanical Engineering Ayyappa Polytechnic, Ulunthurpet Teaching 1/11/2011 to 25/4/2012

🏅Additional Experience

Worked as a Department member in the Internal Assessment exam cell (July 2014-Dec 2015) in IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram. Worked as a Department library in charge (July 2014-Jan 2016) in the Mechanical Engineering department. Worked as Department member in conducting semester examination (Anna university exam cell member) (Jan 2016-June 2016).

📚 Subjects Handled

  • Semester/Year: Odd/(2014-2015)
    Name of subject: Power plant Engineering
    Student Passed Percentage: 94.5
  • Semester/Year: Even/(2014-2015)
    Name of subject: Maintenance Engineering, Design of Transmission System
    Student Passed Percentage: 96.5, 95.5
  • Semester/Year: Odd(2015-2016)
    Name of subject: Mechatronics, Renewable Energy
    Student Passed Percentage: 96.5, 95.2
  • Semester/Year: Even(2015-2016)
    Name of subject: Automobile Engineering
    Student Passed Percentage: 96.5
  • Semester/Year: Odd/(2016-2017)
    Name of subject: Process Planning & Cost Estimation, Power Plant Engineering
    Student Passed Percentage: 97.5, 96.5
  • Semester/Year: Even (2016-2017)
    Name of subject: Automobile Engineering
    Student Passed Percentage: 97.5

🔬Name of Laboratory Handled

Semester/Year: Odd/(2014-2015) Name of the laboratory: MechatronicsSemester/Year: Even/(2014-2015), Name of the laboratory: Manufacturing Lab-ISemester/Year: Even(2015-2016), Name of the laboratory: Thermal lab-IISemester/Year: Odd/(2016-2017), Name of the laboratory: Thermal lab-I, MechatronicsSemester/Year: Even(2015-2016), Name of the laboratory: Strength of Material

Publications Top Notes 📝

  1. Title: Comparative study of performance and emission characteristics of bio-oil from waste milk and oil cover in CI engine
    Publication: Materials Today: Proceedings
    Year: 2023
    Type: Conference paper
    DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.09.158
    EID: 2-s2.0-85138831028
    Contributors: Ramalingam, S.; Sudagar, S.; Ashok, M.; Balamurugan, R.; Mohan, G.


  1. Title: Production of third generation bio-fuel through thermal cracking process by utilizing Covid-19 plastic wastes
    Publication: Materials Today: Proceedings
    Year: 2023
    Type: Conference paper
    DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.09.430
    EID: 2-s2.0-85139362043
    Contributors: Ramalingam, S.; Thamizhvel, R.; Sudagar, S.; Silambarasan, R.


  1. Title: Investigation on performance, combustion and emission characteristics of biodiesel – Ethanol blends with hydrogen in CI engine
    Publication: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
    Year: 2023-06
    Type: Journal article
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.03.009
    Contributors: Senthil Ramalingam; Manikandan Radhakrishnan; Sudagar Subramanian


  1. Title: An alternative fuel to CI engine: delonix regia seed through biochemical and solar-assisted thermal cracking process
    Publication: International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
    Year: 2023-04
    Type: Journal article
    DOI: 10.1007/s13762-022-04299-1
    Contributors: sudagar s; S. Ramalingam; A. subramanian


  1. Title: Experimental investigation on producer gas generation through briquettes using agricultural wastes
    Publication: Advances in Biofeedstocks and Biofuels, Production Technologies for Solid and Gaseous Biofuels
    Year: 2022
    Type: Book chapter
    DOI: 10.1002/9781119785842.ch7
    EID: 2-s2.0-85147977214
    Contributors: Ramlingam, S.; Rajendiran, B.; Thendral, T.; Sudagar, S.


  1. Title: Utilization of pyrolytic oil and hydrogen enriched syngas from single feedstock (delonix regia) through pyrolysis process and its influence on performance and emission characteristics in CI engine
    Publication: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
    Year: 2022-10
    Type: Journal article
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.08.262
    Contributors: Senthil Ramalingam; Sudagar Subramanian; Angayarkanny




Xu Lu | Electrolysis | Young Scientist Award

Assist Prof Dr. Xu Lu | Electrolysis | Young Scientist Award

👨‍🏫Profile Summary

Experienced Assistant Professor at KAUST’s Clean Combustion Research Center, with a background in Mechanical Engineering and Chemistry. Ph.D. from the University of Hong Kong, specializing in Electrochemical CO2 Utilization. Served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University’s Energy Sciences Institute. Editorial Board Member for reputable journals and active in professional committees. Expertise in classical thermodynamics, electrochemical energy systems, and sustainability in chemistry. Committed to advancing research in clean energy and contributing to the academic community through teaching and service.

🌐 Professional Profiles


👨‍🏫 Work Experience:

Assistant Professor September 2020 – Present Mechanical Engineering (ME) & Chemistry (ChemS), Clean Combustion Research Center (CCRC), KAUST Solar Center (KSC), Physical Science and Engineering Division (PSE), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Postdoctoral Fellow August 2017 – August 2020, Energy Sciences Institute, Department of Chemistry, Yale University


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering August 2013 – July 2017 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Dissertation title: Electrochemical Utilization of Carbon Dioxide: An Investigation into Intrinsic Thermodynamics, Microfluidic Network and Interface Control. M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (with Distinction) September 2012 – July 2013 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Thesis title: Energy Rating for Variable-speed Air Conditioners in Hong Kong. B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering (First Honor, Dean’s List)
September 2009 – June 2012, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hong Kong

Professional Services:

Committee Member

  • China Renewable Energy Society 2022 – Present

Editorial Board Member

Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 2023 – Present, SmartMat 2021 – Present, Frontiers in Energy Research (Section: Fuel Cells) 2021 – 2022, Energies (Section: Advance in Fuel Cells & Metal-air Batteries) 2021 – 2022

👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience:

ME241 Classical Thermodynamics, ME 256 Electrochemical Energy Systems, ChemS 394A Contemporary Topics in Chemical Science – Sustainability in Chemistry

🏆 Awards and Fellowships:

2024 JMCA Emerging Investigators Award, Senior Reviewer Award The IAFOR International Conference, 2018, Croucher Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research Croucher Foundation, USD 151,480, 2017, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Seal of Excellence
H2020 European Commission, 2017

📚Top Noted Publication

1. Parametric study and optimization of a low-cost paper-based Al-air battery with corrosion inhibition ability
Authors: Y. Wang, HYH Kwok, W. Pan, H. Zhang, X. Lu, DYC Leung
Journal: Applied Energy
Volume: 251
Pages: 113342
Year: 2019


2. An Integrated CO2 Electrolyzer and Formate Fuel Cell Enabled by a Reversibly Restructuring Pb–Pd Bimetallic Catalyst
Authors: X. Lu, Y. Wu, X. Yuan, H. Wang
Journal: Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Volume: 58
Issue: 12
Pages: 4031-4035
Year: 2019


3. A bio-inspired O2-tolerant catalytic CO2 reduction electrode
Authors: X. Lu, Z. Jiang, X. Yuan, Y. Wu, R. Malpass-Evans, Y. Zhong, Y. Liang, …
Journal: Science Bulletin
Volume: 64
Issue: 24
Pages: 1890-1895
Year: 2019


4. A pH-differential dual-electrolyte microfluidic electrochemical cells for CO2 utilization
Authors: X. Lu, DYC Leung, H. Wang, MM Maroto-Valer, J. Xuan
Journal: Renewable Energy
Volume: 95
Pages: 277-285
Year: 2016


5. Structural evolution and strain generation of derived-Cu catalysts during CO2 electroreduction
Authors: Q. Lei, L. Huang, J. Yin, B. Davaasuren, Y. Yuan, X. Dong, Z. Wu, X. Wang, …
Journal: Nature Communications
Volume: 13
Pages: 4857
Year: 2022


6. Combining Al-air battery with paper-making industry, a novel type of flexible primary battery technology
Authors: Y. Wang, HYH Kwok, W. Pan, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Lu, DYC Leung
Journal: Electrochimica Acta
Volume: 319
Pages: 947-957
Year: 2019


7. A flexible paper-based hydrogen fuel cell for small power applications
Authors: Y. Wang, HYH Kwok, Y. Zhang, W. Pan, H. Zhang, X. Lu, DYC Leung
Journal: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Volume: 44
Issue: 56
Pages: 29680-29691
Year: 2019


8. Liquid-free Al-air batteries with paper-based gel electrolyte: A green energy technology for portable electronics
Authors: Y. Wang, W. Pan, HYH Kwok, H. Zhang, X. Lu, DYC Leung
Journal: Journal of Power Sources
Volume: 437
Pages: 226896
Year: 2019


9. Acid–base interaction enhancing oxygen tolerance in electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction
Authors: P. Li, X. Lu, Z. Wu, Y. Wu, R. Malpass‐Evans, NB McKeown, X. Sun, H. Wang
Journal: Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Volume: 59
Issue: 27
Pages: 10918-10923
Year: 2020


10. Printing Al-air batteries on paper for powering disposable printed electronics
Authors: Y. Wang, HYH Kwok, W. Pan, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Lu, DYC Leung
Journal: Journal of Power Sources
Volume: 450
Pages: 227685
Year: 2020


11. Interface Engineering of Silver-Based Heterostructures for CO2 Reduction Reaction
Authors: X. Yuan, Y. Wu, B. Jiang, Z. Wu, Z. Tao, X. Lu, J. Liu, T. Qian, H. Lin, Q. Zhang
Journal: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Volume: 12
Issue: 50
Pages: 56642-56649
Year: 2020