Robert Epstein| Technology | Best Researcher Award

Dr.Robert Epstein| Technology | Best Researcher Award

Robert Epstein, Ph.D., is affiliated with the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology in Vista, California. He earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Harvard University, following earlier studies at Trinity College and the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Dr. Epstein’s research and media presence focus on behavioral science, cognitive psychology, and the effects of technology on human behavior.



 📚 Education


Professor of Psychology, University of the South Pacific (2013-2015), Senior Research Psychologist,  American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (2012-present), Adjunct Professor, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles (2012), Adjunct Associate Professor, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles (2011), Research Faculty, Santa Barbara Graduate Institute (2010-2012), Lecturer, Rady School of Management, University of California San Diego (2009-2010), Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of California San Diego (2003-2009), University Research Professor, California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University (2001-2003).

🌐Professional Affiliations 

American Psychological Association (1983-present). Association for Psychological Science (Charter Member, 1988-2023). Western Psychological Association (1982-present)

📚Board Memberships 

Advisory Board, National Youth Rights Association (2007-present). Advisory Board, National Effective Parenting Initiative (2006-2016). Peer Review/Human Rights Committee, Tobinworld, Glendale, CA (1998-2018). Advisory Panel, Playspace, Newton Highlands, MA (1999-2015). Scientific Advisory Board, DietPower, Inc. (1996-present). Loebner Prize Committee (1990-1995). Senior Common Room, Dudley House, Harvard University (1981-1997). Board of Fellows, Trinity College (1984-1989)

🏆Miscellaneous Achievements

Co-Founder, American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, 2012. Recipient, National Indie Excellence Award (for Teen 2.0), 2010. Recipient, OASIS Faculty Appreciation Award, University of California San Diego, 2009. Founder, Creativity International, 2009. Co-Founder, National Youth Rights Day, 2009. Recipient, San Diego Book Award (for The Case Against Adolescence), 2008. Recipient, Lysander Spooner Award (for The Case Against Adolescence), 2007. Recipient, Certificate of Appreciation, Housing and Residence Life, and Student Body Association Council, Alliant International University, 2002. Recipient, Certificate of Appreciation, Housing and Residence Life, United States International University, 2000. Founder, San Diego Forum on Executive Leadership, 1999. Founder, InnoGen International, 1998. Chair, Turing Test Prize Committee, 1995-1997. Judge, San Diego Book Awards, 1995-1996. Recipient, Presidential Award, National University, 1993.

🎓Teaching Experience 

Introductory Psychology, History of Psychology, History of Behaviorism (graduate seminar), Learning and Memory, Learning and Motivation, APL Programming, SPSS Programming, Analysis of Behavior, Advanced Analysis of Behavior, Life and Works B. F. Skinner, Introduction to Statistics, Concepts of Human Nature, Research Methods (undergraduate and graduate level), Analysis of Complex Behavior (graduate seminar), Developmental Psychology, Learning and Cognition, Research on Cognition, Principles of Behavior, Self-Control and Self-Management, Introduction to Behavioral Psychology, Behavioral Science in Business and Industry, Senior Project Seminar, Behavior Modification

📝 Publications Top Notes 

Can biased search results change people’s opinions about anything at all? a close replication of the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME)
Robert Epstein, J. Li
PLoS ONE, 2024

Toward the search for the perfect blade runner: a large-scale, international assessment of a test that screens for “humanness sensitivity”
Robert Epstein, M. Bordyug, Y.-H. Chen, G. Kirkish, H. Stead
AI and Society, 2023

What would happen if twitter sent consequential messages to only a strategically important subset of users? A quantification of the Targeted Messaging Effect (TME)
Robert Epstein, C. Tyagi, H. Wang
PLoS ONE, 2023

Infantilization across the life span: A large-scale internet study suggests that emotional abuse is especially damaging
Robert Epstein, S.D. Bock, M.J. Drew, Z. Scandalis
Motivation and Emotion, 2023

Is everyone a mix of straight and gay? A social pressure theory of sexual orientation, with supporting data from a large global sample
Robert Epstein, H. Wang, V.R. Zankich
Frontiers in Psychology, 2023

The Answer Bot Effect (ABE): A powerful new form of influence made possible by intelligent personal assistants and search engines
Robert Epstein, V. Lee, R. Mohr, V.R. Zankich
PLoS ONE, 2022

The surprising power of a click requirement: How click requirements and warnings affect users’ willingness to disclose personal information
Robert Epstein, V.R. Zankich
PLoS ONE, 2022

The Motivation Competencies That Count Most: An Online International Study
Robert Epstein, M.E. Ho, Z. Scandalis, A. Ginther
Open Psychology Journal, 2022

How SARS-CoV-2 and Comparable Pathogens Can Be Defeated in a Single Day: Description and Mathematical Model of the Carrier Separation Plan (CSP)
Robert Epstein, C. Houser, R. Wang
Frontiers in Public Health, 2021

Estimates of Non-Heterosexual Prevalence: The Roles of Anonymity and Privacy in Survey Methodology
R.E. Robertson, F.W. Tran, L.N. Lewark, Robert Epstein
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2018