Andrea Tamburelli | Geometric topology | Young Scientist Award

Assist Prof Dr. Andrea Tamburelli | Geometric topology | Young Scientist Award

Assist Prof Dr. University of Pisa, Italy

👩‍🔬 A dynamic mathematician specializing in (higher) Teichmüller theory, hyperbolic and anti-de Sitter geometry, and Higgs bundles. Holds a Ph.D. from the University of Luxembourg and currently serves as a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Pisa. Previously, held positions at Rice University as Lovett Instructor and Adjunct Assistant Professor. Recognized with prestigious grants and awards, including NSF-DMS and Italian National Habilitation. Actively contributes to the field through workshops, publications, and teaching experiences spanning diverse mathematical subjects. Passionate about exploring geometric and topological structures in mathematics and their applications.







Education 📚

University of Luxembourg

  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, June 2018.
    • Thesis: Anti-de Sitter geometry: convex domains, foliations and volume.
    • Advisor: Jean-Marc Schlenker.

University of Pisa

  • M.S. in Mathematics, April 2015.
  • B.S. in Mathematics, May 2013.

Employment 💼

University of Pisa

  • Tenure-track Assistant Professor, March 2022 – present.

Rice University

  • Lovett Instructor, July 2018 – December 2022.
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, January 2022 – June 2025.

Research Interests 🧠

  • (Higher) Teichmüller theory
  • Hyperbolic and anti-de Sitter geometry
  • Bounded cohomology and simplicial volume
  • Higgs bundles

Grants and Awards 🏅

Member of PRIN: Geometry and Topology of manifolds (PI B. Martelli), 187,500€NSF-DMS 2005501 Award: Geometric limits in higher Teichmüller Theory, PI, $136,500Italian National Habilitation to Associate Professor (June 2022 – June 2033)Mario Baldassarri Prize (UMI) for a paper published under the age of 30Franco Tricerri Prize (UMI) for the best Ph.D. thesis in Differential GeometrySimons travel grant (AMS): $4,000Graduate Internship grant (GEAR)

Workshops Attended 🛠️

Geometric Group Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology, Trieste, 2016.Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Moduli Spaces, Singapore, 2016.Days in representation theory and harmonic analysis, Luxembourg 2016.Third retreat of the GEAR network, Stanford, 2017.Geometry and physics of Higgs bundles II, Chicago, 2017.Current trends on spectral data for Higgs bundles III, Chicago 2017.Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, Houston, 2018.Holomorphic differentials in Mathematics and Physics, MSRI, 2019.Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures of MQD, Stony Brook, 2024.

Teaching Experience 📝

University of Pisa

Spring 2025: Calculus 1.Fall 2024: Linear algebra, Calculus 1.Spring 2024: Calculus 1.Fall 2023: Hyperbolic geometry, Calculus 1.Spring 2023: Calculus 1.Fall 2022: Linear Algebra, Calculus 1.Rice University

Spring 2022: Multivariable Calculus (Math 212).Fall 2021: Multivariable Calculus (Math 212).Summer 2021: Summer Undergraduate Research (Math 479).Spring 2021: Multivariable Calculus (Math 212), Lie Theory (Math 371).Fall 2020: Calculus 1 (Math 101).Spring 2020: Calculus 1 (Math 101), Multivariable Calculus (Math 212).Spring 2019: Geometry (Math 366), Elements of Analysis (Math 302).Fall 2018: ODE and Linear Algebra (Math 211).University of Luxembourg

Fall 2017: Teaching assistant for Calculus 1a, 1b.Fall 2016: Teaching assistant for Calculus 1a, 1b.Spring 2016: Teaching assistant for Calculus 2a, 2b.Fall 2015: Teaching assistant for Calculus 1a, 1b, 1c.

Publications Top Notes 📝

Title: Polynomial Quadratic Differentials on the Complex Plane and Light-like Polygons in the Einstein Universe

Author: A. Tamburelli

Year: 2019


Title: On the Volume of Anti-de Sitter Maximal Globally Hyperbolic Three-Manifolds

Authors: F. Bonsante, A. Seppi, A. Tamburelli

Year: 2017


Title: Limits of Blaschke Metrics

Authors: C. Ouyang, A. Tamburelli

Year: 2019


Title: Planar Minimal Surfaces with Polynomial Growth in the Sp (4, R)-Symmetric Space

Authors: A. Tamburelli, M. Wolf

Year: 2020


Title: Prescribing Metrics on the Boundary of Anti-de Sitter 3-Manifolds

Author: A. Tamburelli

Year: 2018


Title: Constant Mean Curvature Foliation of Domains of Dependence in 𝐴𝑑𝑆₃

Author: A. Tamburelli

Year: 2019


Title: Regular Globally Hyperbolic Maximal Anti‐de Sitter Structures

Author: A. Tamburelli

Year: 2020


Title: Length Spectrum Compactification of the SO0 (2, 3)-Hitchin Component

Authors: C. Ouyang, A. Tamburelli

Year: 2023


Title: Constant Mean Curvature Foliation of Globally Hyperbolic (2+1)-Spacetimes with Particles

Authors: Q. Chen, A. Tamburelli

Year: 2017