Rana El Hajj | Microbiology | Young Scientist Award

Dr. Alkhadher Khalil | Microbiology | Young Scientist Award

Dr. Rana El Hajj is an Assistant Professor in Microbiology at Beirut Arab University with a focus on Microbiology and Oncology. She has published 25 manuscripts in leading journals (H-index 10; i10-index 10 on Google Scholar).

Publication profile


Research for Young Scientist Award: Dr. Rana El Hajj

Strengths for the Award:

Diverse Research Focus: Dr. Rana El Hajj demonstrates a strong research portfolio across multiple areas including microbiology, oncology, bacteriology, parasitology, and cancer therapeutics. Her work on bacterial infections, parasitic diseases, and cancer therapies showcases her broad scientific expertise and relevance. High Impact Publications: With 25 manuscripts published in leading journals and an H-index of 10, Dr. El Hajj has made substantial contributions to her field. Her research is well-documented and reflects a significant impact within her area of study. Postdoctoral Experience: Her postdoctoral research at prestigious institutions, such as the American University of Beirut, involved working on high-impact topics like targeted therapies for leukemia and diagnostic markers for neoplasms. This experience has likely enhanced her research capabilities and professional network. Active Engagement: Dr. El Hajj actively participates in conferences and workshops, demonstrating her commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and contributing to the academic community. Teaching and Mentoring: She is involved in teaching a range of biology and microbiology courses, indicating her dedication to educating future scientists and fostering the next generation of researchers.

Areas for Improvement:

Research Focus and Novelty: While her research spans important areas, a more concentrated focus on a few cutting-edge topics could further enhance her impact and visibility in specific niches within microbiology and oncology.Grant and Funding Experience: The CV does not mention significant external funding or grants. Securing substantial research grants would bolster her research capacity and enable larger-scale studies. Collaborations and Interdisciplinary Work: Expanding collaborations beyond her current network and engaging in more interdisciplinary projects could provide fresh perspectives and drive innovative research outcomes. Leadership Roles: Taking on leadership roles in research projects or academic societies could strengthen her profile as a leading scientist and increase her influence in the scientific community.

🎓 B. Educational Background

2015-2018: Ph.D. in Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Montpellier University, France, with distinction. 2013-2015: Master’s Degree in Genomics and Health, Biology, Lebanese University, Hadath, Lebanon, with distinction. 2010-2013: BS in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University, Hadath, Lebanon, with distinction.

💼 Work Experience

February 2021 – Present: Assistant Professor of Molecular Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, Beirut Arab University. September – December 2020: Instructor, Faculty of Sciences, Beirut Arab University.

🎓 Training and Fellowship

May 2020 – January 2021: Post-doctoral fellow at the American University of Beirut, Department of Experimental Pathology. January 2020 – May 2020: Post-doctoral fellow at the American University of Beirut, Department of Internal Medicine.

👩‍🏫  Teaching Experience

📚 Teaching Activities

Fall 2024-2025: Introduction To Biology Biology 1 & 2, Microbiology …and more. Spring 2023-2024: Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology, Virology …and more.

🌍 Activities Impacting Scientific Research

My research focuses on Microbiology and Oncology, particularly in Bacteriology and Parasitology, exploring treatment strategies for infections and cancers.

🏆 Awards

  • April 2016: Prix Cèdre – Travel Grant

Publication top notes

  • Comprehensive Overview of Toxoplasma gondii-Induced and Associated Diseases
    • Journal: Pathogens
    • Year: 2021
    • Contributors: MESHEH Darine Daher, Ahmad Shaghlil, Eyad Sobh, Maguy Hamie, et al.
    • Summary: This article provides a detailed review of diseases caused or associated with Toxoplasma gondii, a parasitic organism responsible for toxoplasmosis. The paper covers the pathogenic mechanisms, clinical manifestations, and potential therapeutic targets, highlighting the importance of continued research in this area.
    • Citations: 68


  • EAPB0503: An Imiquimod Analog with Potent In Vitro Activity Against Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania major and Leishmania tropica
    • Journal: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
    • Year: 2018
    • Contributors: R El Hajj, H Bou Youness, L Lachaud, P Bastien, et al.
    • Summary: This study investigates the efficacy of EAPB0503, an Imiquimod analog, against cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania major and Leishmania tropica. The findings suggest that EAPB0503 shows promising in vitro activity, making it a potential candidate for treating these parasitic infections.
    • Citations: 35


  • Toxoplasmosis: Current and Emerging Parasite Druggable Targets
    • Journal: Microorganisms
    • Year: 2021
    • Contributors: R.E. Hajj, L. Tawk, S. Itani, M. Hamie, et al.
    • Summary: This review article explores current and emerging druggable targets in Toxoplasma gondii, the causative agent of toxoplasmosis. The paper highlights the challenges in treating toxoplasmosis and discusses novel therapeutic approaches that could potentially improve outcomes for affected patients.
    • Citations: 31


  • Toxoplasma gondii Autophagy-Related Protein ATG9 is Crucial for the Survival of Parasites in Their Host
    • Journal: Cellular Microbiology
    • Year: 2017
    • Contributors: H.M. Nguyen, H. El Hajj, R. El Hajj, et al.
    • Summary: This research focuses on the role of ATG9, an autophagy-related protein in Toxoplasma gondii, in the survival of the parasite within its host. The study demonstrates that ATG9 is essential for the parasite’s survival, making it a potential target for new therapeutic strategies.
    • Citations: 28


  • Fatal Visceral Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania infantum, Lebanon
    • Journal: Emerging Infectious Diseases
    • Year: 2018
    • Contributors: R. El Hajj, H. El Hajj, I. Khalifeh
    • Summary: This case report documents a fatal instance of visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania infantum in Lebanon. The report emphasizes the need for early diagnosis and treatment of this severe parasitic infection to prevent fatal outcomes.
    • Citations: 25


  • Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis and Reactivation of Cerebral Toxoplasmosis in a Child: Case Report
    • Journal: IDCases
    • Year: 2018
    • Contributors: S. Bannoura, R. El Hajj, I. Khalifeh, H. El Hajj
    • Summary: This case report describes a rare instance of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) associated with reactivation of cerebral toxoplasmosis in a child. The paper discusses the diagnostic challenges and the importance of considering toxoplasmosis reactivation in similar clinical scenarios.
    • Citations: 20


  • Expanded Genome-Wide Comparisons Give Novel Insights into Population Structure and Genetic Heterogeneity of Leishmania tropica Complex
    • Journal: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
    • Year: 2020
    • Contributors: T. Salloum, R. Moussa, R. Rahy, J. Al Deek, I. Khalifeh, R. El Hajj, et al.
    • Summary: This article provides new insights into the population structure and genetic heterogeneity of the Leishmania tropica complex through expanded genome-wide comparisons. The study offers valuable information for understanding the epidemiology and evolution of Leishmania species.
    • Citations: 18


  • Phytochemistry and Biological Activities of Citrus sinensis and Citrus limon: An Update
    • Journal: Journal of Herbal Medicine
    • Year: 2023
    • Contributors: S. Zahr, R. Zahr, R. El Hajj, M. Khalil
    • Summary: This review article provides an update on the phytochemistry and biological activities of Citrus sinensis (orange) and Citrus limon (lemon). The paper highlights the medicinal properties of these citrus fruits and their potential applications in treating various diseases.
    • Citations: 11


  • PD-L1 Expression in Sebaceous Carcinomas
    • Journal: Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy
    • Year: 2021
    • Contributors: M. Saliba, M. Shaheen, R.E. Hajj, et al.
    • Summary: This study investigates the expression of PD-L1 in sebaceous carcinomas, a rare type of skin cancer. The findings suggest that PD-L1 could be a potential biomarker for this type of carcinoma, with implications for immunotherapy treatment strategies.
    • Citations: 11


  • Lenalidomide in Combination with Arsenic Trioxide: An Effective Therapy for Primary Effusion Lymphoma
    • Journal: Cancers
    • Year: 2020
    • Contributors: S. Moodad, R. El Hajj, R. Hleihel, et al.
    • Summary: This article explores the efficacy of combining lenalidomide with arsenic trioxide in treating primary effusion lymphoma. The study’s results indicate that this combination therapy is effective, offering a potential new treatment option for this aggressive cancer.
    • Citations: 10


Dr. Rana El Hajj is a strong candidate for the Research for Young Scientist Award. Her diverse research interests, high-impact publications, and active engagement in both research and teaching underscore her contributions to the field. To enhance her candidacy, she could focus on securing larger research grants, increasing her interdisciplinary collaborations, and pursuing leadership roles. Overall, her achievements reflect a promising trajectory and significant potential for continued impact in her fields of study.

Sepideh Pakpour | Microbiology Award | Women Researcher Award

Dr. Sepideh Pakpour | Microbiology Award | Women Researcher Award

👨‍🏫Profile Summary

With a rich academic background spanning from a BSc in Food Science & Technology to a PhD in Biology from reputable institutions like McGill University and the University of British Columbia, I have cultivated expertise in microbiology, molecular biology, and omics technologies. As a postdoctoral fellow at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, I focused on infectious diseases and global health. My commitment to teaching is underscored by my interdisciplinary approach, employing innovative methodologies like the ‘flipped classroom’ to engage students. I’ve received awards for both teaching and scholarship, and my research, centered on the ‘One Health’ philosophy, has garnered recognition in high-impact journals and prestigious conferences. Through my scholarly and professional activities, I aim to advance knowledge and foster interdisciplinary collaboration in fields like microbiome research and indoor environment optimization.

🌐 Professional Profiles

🎓 Post-Secondary Education

Broad Institute of MIT Postdoctoral Fellow in Infectious Disease & Microbiome Duration: Sept. 2015 – Jan. 2018 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Postdoctoral Fellow at Centre for Health and the Global Environment Duration: Sept. 2015 – Jan. 2018 University of British Columbia PhD in Biology Duration: Sept. 2011 – Dec. 2015 McGill University MSc in Food Science & Agricultural Chemistry Duration: Jan. 2008 – Feb. 2011 Shahid Beheshti University, BSc in Food Science & Technology Duration: Feb. 2001 – Jun. 2006

📜 Certifications & Training Courses

“Anti-Racist Teaching & Leadership (ARTL) – STEM Faculty Cohort”, UBC Applied Science, Vancouver, BC, Summer 2023, “Microplastic Detection and Analysis: Problem-Solving Workshop”, UBC Microplastics cluster, Vancouver, BC, 2022, “Non-Invasive Sample Collection Types for Infectious Disease Testing”, AACC 2022, Chicago, USA, 2022, “Toolbox Dialogue Workshop”, UBC Microplastics cluster, Vancouver, BC, 2022, “Virtual Design for Research Communications”, UBC Microplastics cluster, Vancouver, BC, 2022, “CV Workshop for APSC Faculty in the Professoriate Stream”, UBC, Kelowna, BC, 2022, “Classroom technology”, UBC, Kelowna, BC, 2021, “EDI in Engineering”, School of Engineering, UBC, Kelowna, BC, 2021, “Oxford Women’s Leadership Development Programme”, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford UK, Summer 2021 and more…

👨‍🏫 Teaching

In my teaching philosophy, I emphasize interdisciplinary and interactive approaches, aiming to prepare students for global thinking, creativity, and collaboration. I integrate cutting-edge research findings with course material to inspire keen, enthusiastic, and successful students. I employ the M.U.S.I.C. model to keep students engaged and motivated, and I implement a ‘flipped classroom’ strategy across various course levels, tailoring the approach to suit different student cohorts. My commitment to enhancing the learning experience is reflected in ongoing adjustments and innovations to optimize student comprehension and engagement.

🏆 Awards and Distinctions

(a) Awards for Teaching Faculty Emerging Academic School of Engineering, UBC Dates: April 2021 and 2022 (b) Awards for Scholarship NSERC Young Investigator Award NSERC (National) Date: 2020 Fungal Ecology 2014 Annual Review & Research in Biology 2013  Applied Science Nominee for Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars Award Date: September 2019 Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology, Travel Grant to Attend Step-Up workshop Simon Fraser University (National) Date: May 2018 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Travel Grant Award to Attend Microbiomes of the Built Environment Meeting International Date: Oct. 2016 Sloan Travel Award for MoBE Early Career Workshop International Date: April 2016 Nominated for Canada 150 Research Chairs competition UBC, Okanagan Date: 2018 (c) Awards for Service, (d) Other Awards

🤝 Service to the Community

(a) Memberships on Scholarly Societies Affiliated Research Member, Interior Health, Kelowna, BC, Canada Duration: 2018 – Present Affiliated Research Member, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA Duration: 2018 – 2020 (b) Memberships on Other Societies Member of International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate Duration: 2018 – Present (f) Reviewer Journals: Microbial Biotechnology, Associate Editorial Board Duration: Jan 2022 – Present  Microbial Biotechnology, Editorial Board Duration: Sep. 2020 – Dec. 2021 PNAS Frontiers in Fungal Biotechnology The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific mSystems Gut Microbes Frontiers in Microbiology Scientific Reports Bioinformatics Environmental Biotechnology Covid (New Journal) Microorganisms Textile Research Journal The FASEB Journal British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research American Journal of Plant Sciences British Biotechnology Journal Agency: CIHR reviewer for COVID-19 Rapid Research Funding Opportunity Date: 2020 (g) External Examiner PhD Comprehensive Exam External Examiner, Harvard University Date: Jan. 2022 Student: Ms. Marina Chen Supervisor: Dr. Jack Spengler (i) Other Service to the Community Canada Biomedical Research Fund and BiosciencesDate: 2023 NFRF – T Expert Panel Member Duration: 2022 – 2023 NFRF – E Reviewer Duration: 2022 – 2023 Kelowna Secondary School (KSS) Engineering Academy: Environmental Engineering Course Role: Co-Instructor Duration: 2020 – 2021 Knowledge and Technology Translation Role: Academic Lead Outcome: Collaborative initiative with various UBC faculties to implement protective intraoral stents for healthcare personnel, aimed at minimizing post-radiation oral complications.

Sample Success Stories:

Negin’s Academic Achievements: Negin demonstrated exceptional progress in her PhD studies, receiving prestigious scholarships such as NSERC-CGS-D, UBC MURPH Graduate Scholar Award, and more. She showcased her research at renowned events like the Harvard Probiotics Symposium and UBC Microbiome Research Network’s Symposium. With 6 publications in esteemed journals like Science and Microbiome, Negin’s scholarly contributions have been significant and impactful. Joud’s Journey in Biomedical Engineering: Joud’s journey began as a first-year engineering student, where she discovered her passion for biomedical engineering during an APSC 183 course. Throughout her undergraduate studies at UBC, Joud received several awards and scholarships, including the Outstanding International Student Award. Under the mentorship of her supervisor, she conducted a successful Capstone project and later pursued a MASc, where she actively contributes to research and organizational roles, promoting knowledge exchange in her field. Rita’s Remarkable Research Contributions: Rita joined the team as a Master’s student and has already made significant strides, publishing journal articles and conference papers while having more under review. Through her MASc studies, Rita secured a prestigious internship with an international industrial partner, enhancing her research experience. Recognized for her research and soft skills, Rita’s achievements include ranking first in the Three Minute Thesis competition and being selected as Lead Student Representative by the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ). Faizan’s Career Progression: Faizan began as an Undergraduate Research Assistant and continued to excel, publishing manuscripts and receiving accolades like the Best Poster Award. Upon completing his MASc, Faizan secured a position as a bioinformatics scientist at Jumpcode Genomics, attributing his success to the guidance and mentorship received during his time with the team.

🔬 Scholarly and Professional Activities

(a) Areas of Special Interest and Accomplishments: Conducting transformative research focusing on connections influencing individual comfort and ecosystems. Expertise in microbiology, molecular biology, omics technologies, aerobiology, and nanotechnology. Rooted in the ‘One Health’ philosophy, emphasizing the interconnection of individual health, built environments, and ecosystems. Projects include optimizing indoor spaces for well-being, population-based diagnostics, and exploring the human microbiome’s role in health and disease. Notable publications in high-impact journals like Science, Microbiome, Cell Host & Microbe, and ACS Nano. (b) Research Grants (Competitive and Non-Competitive): Secured numerous competitive grants totaling millions of dollars from agencies like NSERC, MITACS, and Bioeconomy International. Projects cover a wide range of topics including antimicrobial materials, indoor environment optimization, and human microbiome research. (d) Invited Presentations: Delivered invited talks at prestigious institutions and conferences nationally and internationally, showcasing expertise in human microbiome research, indoor environments, and personalized medicine. (e) Other Presentations: Supervised and presented alongside Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) at conferences, contributing to various research projects. (f) Training and Certifications: Undertook specialized training in thesis and dissertation writing, health, safety, and environment, leadership skills, and ISO standards. (g) Conference Participation: Organized and participated in key conferences and workshops, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange in fields like cloud computing, microbiome bioinformatics, and image-guided therapeutics.

📚Top Noted Publication

  1. Gut microbiota and cardiovascular disease: opportunities and challenges
    • Authors: N Kazemian, M Mahmoudi, F Halperin, JC Wu, S Pakpour
    • Journal: Microbiome
    • Volume: 8
    • Pages: 1-17
    • Year: 2020
    • Citations: 252


  1. Proximal colon–derived O-glycosylated mucus encapsulates and modulates the microbiota
    • Authors: K Bergstrom, X Shan, D Casero, A Batushansky, V Lagishetty, JP Jacobs, …
    • Journal: Science
    • Volume: 370
    • Issue: 6515
    • Pages: 467-472
    • Year: 2020
    • Citations: 148


  1. Determination of nanoparticles using UV-Vis spectra
    • Authors: S Behzadi, F Ghasemi, M Ghalkhani, AA Ashkarran, SM Akbari, …
    • Journal: Nanoscale
    • Volume: 7
    • Issue: 12
    • Pages: 5134-5139
    • Year: 2015
    • Citations: 54


  1. Relationships of fungal spore concentrations in the air and meteorological factors
    • Authors: S Pakpour, DW Li, J Klironomos
    • Journal: Fungal Ecology
    • Volume: 13
    • Pages: 130-134
    • Year: 2015
    • Citations: 52


  1. Dose Effects of Orally Administered Spirulina Suspension on Colonic Microbiota in Healthy Mice
    • Authors: J Hu, Y Li, S Pakpour, S Wang, Z Pan, J Liu, Q Wei, J She, H Cang, …
    • Journal: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
    • Volume: 9
    • Pages: 243
    • Year: 2019
    • Citations: 45


  1. Identifying predictive features of Clostridium difficile infection recurrence before, during, and after primary antibiotic treatment
    • Authors: S Pakpour, A Bhanvadia, R Zhu, A Amarnani, SM Gibbons, T Gurry, …
    • Journal: Microbiome
    • Volume: 5
    • Pages: 1-10
    • Year: 2017
    • Citations: 38


  1. Effect of fungal deterioration on physical and mechanical properties of hemp and flax natural fiber composites
    • Authors: B Crawford, S Pakpour, N Kazemian, J Klironomos, K Stoeffler, D Rho, …
    • Journal: Materials
    • Volume: 10
    • Issue: 11
    • Pages: 1252
    • Year: 2017
    • Citations: 38


  1. Fecal microbiota transplantation during and post-COVID-19 pandemic
    • Authors: N Kazemian, D Kao, S Pakpour
    • Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
    • Volume: 22
    • Issue: 6
    • Pages: 3004
    • Year: 2021
    • Citations: 37


  1. Environmental factors influencing fungal growth on gypsum boards and their structural biodeterioration: A university campus case study
    • Authors: N Kazemian, S Pakpour, AS Milani, J Klironomos
    • Journal: PLoS One
    • Volume: 14
    • Issue: 8
    • Pages: e0220556
    • Year: 2019
    • Citations: 35


  1. Frequency of antibiotic resistance in a swine facility 2.5 years after a ban on antibiotics
    • Authors: S Pakpour, S Jabaji, MR Chénier
    • Journal: Microbial ecology
    • Volume: 63
    • Pages: 41-50
    • Year: 2012
    • Citations: 33