Dr Benny Danilo Belviso: Leading Researcher in Cybersécurité
Dr Benny Danilo Belviso at Institute of Crystallography – CNR,Italy.
Congratulations, Dr Benny Danilo Belviso, on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from Young scientist Awards! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done
Professional Profile
Technical Skills:
- Experience in the use of chemistry lab instruments (chromatographic instruments, ESI-MS spectrometers, SPR and DLS instruments, and spectrophotometers), diffractometers, and synchrotron instruments.
- Skilled in protein expression, purification, crystallization, and the use of equipment for crystallization experiments.
- Familiarity with software for crystal structure determination (CCP4, Phenix, ILMILIONE, and EXPO), XAS data analysis (Artemis and Athena), and molecular visualization (Pymol and Coot).
- Works on both Linux and Win OS, with a good-level use of the programming language Matlab.
Organizational and Social Skills:
- Ability to conduct a research group and coordinate scientific outreach activities.
- Excellent social and communication skills demonstrated through participation in political activities, summer camp education, and conducting a church chorus.
Scientific Interests:
- Protein crystallography, structural biology, protein crystallization, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceutical chemistry, engineering of materials, computational chemistry
Social Education:
- 2023 – CNR course “Il ruolo del “produttore materiale” dei rifiuti e la conseguente responsabilità alla luce del D. Lgs. N. 116/2020” (vote 85/100)
- 2012 – PhD in “Chemical synthesis and applied enzyme science”
- 2008 – Degree in Organic Chemistry (Vote 110/110 cum laude)
- 2002 – High School Diploma: Industrial Chemistry address (Vote 100/100)
Work Experience:
- 2019 Staff researcher (IC-CNR, Bari)
- 2016-2018 Research fellow, Project “Revolutionising Downstream Processing of Monoclonal Antibodies by Continuous Template-Assisted Membrane Crystallization — AMECRYS” Sector: protein crystallography
- 2015 – 2016 Research fellow, Project “ADAMTS13 structure and the molecular basis of VWF recognition” Sector: protein crystallography
- 2013 – 2015 Research fellow, Project “Chemical collection and screening activity” Sector: protein crystallography
- 2012-2013 Research fellow, Project “Integrated network for nanomedicine” Sector: protein crystallography
- 2010-2011 Tutor for chemical-physical discipline Sector: University teaching
Selected Publications:
- M.Miciaccia, B.D. Belviso, M. Iaselli, G. Cingolani, S. Ferorelli, M. Cappellari, P. L. Polosa, M. G. Perrone, R. Caliandro, A. Scilimati, Three-dimensional structure of human cyclooxygenase (hCOX)-1, Sci Rep, 11, 2021, 4312
- M. Catto, L. Pisani, E. de la Mora, B.D. Belviso, G.F. Mangiatordi, A. Pinto, A. De Palma, N. Denora, R. Caliandro, J-P Colletier, I. Silman, O. Nicolotti, C.D. Altomare, Chiral Separation, X-ray Structure, and Biological Evaluation of a Potent and Reversible Dual Binding Site AChE Inhibitor, ACS Med. Chem. Lett., 2020, 11, 869
- Rajoub N, Gerard CJJ, Pantuso E, Fontananova E, Caliandro R, Belviso BD, Curcio E, Nicoletta FP, Pullen J, Chen W, Heng JYY, Ruane S, Liddell J, Alvey N, Ter Horst JH, Di Profio G. A workflow for the development of template-assisted membrane crystallization downstream processing for monoclonal antibody purification. Nat Protoc. 2023, doi: 10.1038/s41596-023-00869-w, PMID: 37697106.
- Bisello G, Ribeiro RP, Perduca M, Belviso BD, Polverino De’ Laureto P, Giorgetti A, Caliandro R, Bertoldi M. Human aromatic amino acid decarboxylase is an asymmetric and flexible enzyme: implication in AADC deficiency. Protein Sci.