Mykola Riabchykov | Textiles and fibres | Best Innovation Award

Prof. Dr. Mykola Riabchykov | Textiles and fibres | Best Innovation Award

Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine

Mykola Riabchykov (born March 9, 1960, in Kharkiv, Ukraine) is a PhD, Doctor of Science, and Professor specializing in light industry technology. He currently serves as a Professor in the Department of Light Industry at Lutsk National Technical University. With a career spanning over four decades, he has made significant contributions to machine design, textile nanotechnology, and smart clothing production. He has served in leadership roles, including Vice-Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. His research focuses on 3D fashion technology, mass transfer modeling, and AI applications in design. He has been actively involved in international projects such as Erasmus+ and SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme, advancing textile and apparel education. Prof. Riabchykov has published extensively, supervised numerous PhD students, and contributed to Ukraine’s higher education reforms. His expertise spans industrial innovation, materials science, and professional education methodologies.

Publication Profile


🎓 Education

MSc in Aircraft Industry, Kharkiv Aviation Institute (1983). PhD in Machine Design, Kharkiv Engineer Pedagogic Institute (1990). Doctor of Science (DSc) in Machine Design, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (2004). Professor in Technology of Light Industry, Ukrainian Engineer Pedagogic Academy (2005)

💼 Experience

Professor (2022–Present), Department of Light Industry, Lutsk National Technical University. Vice-Chairman (2019–Present), Technology of Light Industry, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Professor (2020–2022), Food Technologies & Design, Ukrainian Engineer Pedagogic Academy. Head of Department (2005–2020), Technology and Design. Chief Designer (1996–2000), Design Bureau for Food Packaging Equipment. Engineer (1983–1984), Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperatures, Kharkiv

🏆 Awards & Honors

Vice-Chairman, Scientific and Methodological Commission, Ministry of Education & Science of Ukraine.  Expert, National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Ukraine.  Member, Specialized Academic Councils in Light Industry, Mechanics, Materials Science, and Education Methodology. International project leader for Erasmus+ and SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme. Recognized for contributions to professional education, AI in design, and smart clothing technology

🔍 Research Focus

Nanotechnology in textile materials and smart clothing production. Mass & heat transfer modeling in discrete materials. Machine design & industrial innovations in light industry. Anthropometry & 3D fashion design technologies. Artificial intelligence in design & education. Sustainable textile production & eco-friendly manufacturing. Modern light industry equipment & packaging innovations

Publication Top Notes

  1. Linear mathematical model of water uptake perpendicular to fabric plane (2011) – M. Riabchykov, V. Vlasenko, S. Arabuli – 21 citations


  1. Bacteriostatic properties of medical textiles treated with nanomaterials based on Fe₂O₃ (2021) – M. Riabchykov, S.Y. Alekszndrov – 11 citations


  1. Distribution of the sizes of microcapsules in two-phase emulsions for treatment of textile materials (2019) – M. Riabchykov, A. Alexandrov, I. Tsykhanovska, S. Nechipor, A. Nikulina – 11 citations


  1. Two-dimensional studies of thermomechanical properties of textile materials for 3D formation (2018) – M. Riabchykov, S. Vilkov, S. Nechipor, T. Popova – 9 citations


  1. Нестаціонарна модель водовбирання текстильними матеріалами по товщині (2009) – М.Л. Рябчиков, В.І. Власенко, С.І. Ковтун – 8 citations


  1. Проектування швейних виробів в моделях: [навч. посіб.] (2011) – Н.С. Зимогляд, М.Л. Рябчиков – 7 citations


  1. Проблематика аналізу практичної ефективності впровадження інформаційно-комунікаційних навчальних технологій (2013) – М.Л. Рябчиков, Д.В. Борисенко – 6 citations


  1. Universal matrix model of formation of competence with account of the functions of activity and measurement of learning results based on Dublin descriptors (2019) – M. Riabchykov, K. Khurana – 5 citations


  1. Fashion education as a form of Socio-Cultural Capital to developing economies (2017) – K. Khurana, N. Ryabchykov – 5 citations


  1. Застосування методу цифрової фотографії для визначення якості одягу (2010) – В.В. Залкінд, М.Л. Рябчиков – 5 citations


  1. Розрахунок та конструювання машин легкої промисловості (2010) – М.Л. Рябчиков, І.Г. Дейнека, С.Ю. Сапронова – 5 citations


  1. Кінетика процесу водовбирання багатошаровими текстильними композиційними матеріалами. Повідомлення 2 (2008) – С.І. Ковтун, М.Л. Рябчиков – 5 citations


  1. Теоретичне обґрунтування і експериментальна перевірка утворення однониткового човникового стібка (2007) – Н.Л. Рябчиков – 5 citations


  1. Розрахунки на міцність у швейному виробництві (1994) – М.Л. Рябчиков – 5 citations


  1. Сучасні умови для забезпечення компетентностей і результатів навчання дистанційними засобами (2021) – M. Riabchykov, O. Riabchykova – 4 citations