Prof Dr. Maya Irjayanti | Education Leadership | Women Researcher Award
Assoc Prof Dr. Maya Irjayanti Telkom University, Indonesia Indonesia
Dr. Maya Irjayanti is an Associate Professor at Telkom University, Indonesia, with expertise in operations management, supply chain management, and entrepreneurship. She has published widely in international journals, earning recognition for her work, including best paper awards. Additionally, she has authored ten reference books, contributing to the education and development of students. Dr. Irjayanti holds a PhD from Curtin University, Australia, and has extensive teaching and research experience. She also serves in leadership roles in various organizations and provides training in areas such as inventory management and leadership skills.
Publication Profile
🎓 Education
PhD, School of Management Curtin University, Western Australia MBA, School of Business Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Bachelor of Economics Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
💼 Work Experience
Lecturer and Researcher, Management and Business Area 2003-present: Telkom University, Indonesia 2009-2023: Ekuitas School of Business, Indonesia Trainer and Instructor (2021-present): Inventory Management Supply Chain Management Leadership Skills for Supervisors Change Management Production Planning Digital Savvy
🏅 Leadership Experience
2022-present: Treasurer, Curtin Alumni Chapter Indonesia. 2019-present: Executive Committee, Women of World Strategic Incorporation, Western Australia. 2020-2023: Head of Planning and Development, Ekuitas School of Business, Indonesia. 2015-2016: Head of Management Undergraduate Program, Ekuitas School of Business, Indonesia
🛠️ Skills and Competencies
- Certified Risk Professional
- Supply Chain Management
- Inventory Management
- Leadership
Publication Top Notes
- Mapping the Supply Chain Issues SMEs and Impact for Quality Products
- Authors: A. Tejaningrum, A. M. Azis, M. Irjayanti
- Journal: Management
- Year: 2016
- Volume: 4
- Issue: 1
- Pages: 9-15
- Citations: 6
- Pelatihan Manajemen dan Pembukuan pada Usaha Kecil Industri Kreatif Jenis Fashion
- Authors: M. Irjayanti, A. M. Azis
- Journal: Wikrama Parahita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 7
- Issue: 1
- Pages: 75-82
- Citations: 5
- Analisis Efektivitas Pengadaan Barang/Jasa secara Elektronik (E-Procurement) pada Dinas Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Provinsi Jawa Barat
- Authors: R. N. Hikmah, M. Irjayanti
- Journal: Review of Accounting and Business
- Year: 2022
- Volume: 3
- Issue: 2
- Pages: 133-152
- Citations: 4
- Local Wisdom of Indonesian Female Entrepreneurs in Creative Industries
- Author: M. Irjayanti
- Institution: Curtin University
- Year: 2020
- Citations: 4
- Quality Culture Model for SMEs
- Authors: A. Tejaningrum, A. M. Azis, M. Irjayanti
- Publisher: National Academy of Management, Ukraine
- Year: 2018
- Citations: 4