Shamim Yousefi | Data Science | Young Scientist Award

 Assist Prof Dr. Shamim Yousefi | Data Science | Young Scientist Award


👨‍🏫Profile Summary

Shamim Yousefi received the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from the University of Tabriz, in September 2020.
She is currently an Assistant Professor with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran. Her
research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Wireless Networks, Network Security, Machine Learning,
and Optimization Algorithms. She is a member of the ArkanEng computer team (computer programmer/lecturer/content

🌐 Professional Profiles

🎓 Education

PhD in Computer Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Robotics) University of Tabriz Total course average: 19.63 (from 20) Thesis Title: Presenting an Optimal Model for Mobile Agent Route Planning Using Intelligent Clustering and Markov Decision Making Process in IoT (Case Study: Health Monitoring Systems) Master’s degree in Computer Engineering (Software) University of Tabriz Total course average: 18.11 (from 20) Thesis title: Providing an efficient method for object detection in visual sensor networks Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Engineering University of Tabriz Total course average: 17.59 (from 20) Thesis Title: Designing Graphic Games Using C# Multimedia Libraries

🚀 Skill Highlights

  • Project management
  • Programming
  • Teaching (Online)
  • Develop scientific and industrial applications
  • Academic writing (English/Persian)
  • Content production

🌐 Experience

Lecturer – 2015 to Present University of Tabriz and University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Iran Data structure Introduction to algorithms (Design and analysis of algorithms) Artificial intelligence Programming (C/C++, C#) Introduction to Database Provide scientific and technical content Operating system Computer workshop Develop projects Complete detailed programming and development tasks for scientific and industrial projects. Content Producer – 2015 to Present Computer Programmer/Academic Writer – 2018 to Present

🛠️ Other Skills

  • Matlab programming (Excellent)
  • C/C++ programming (Excellent)
  • C# programming (Excellent)
  • Python programming (Excellent)
  • JAVA programming (Good)
  • Unity 3D (Good)
  • Academic journal/Conference writing and Editing (Excellent)
  • Industrial writing and Editing (Excellent)
  • Translator (English/Persian) (Excellent)
  • Content producer (Excellent)

Samad Najjar-Ghabel | Data Science | Young Scientist Award

 Assist Prof Dr. Samad Najjar-Ghabel | Data Science | Young Scientist Award


👨‍🏫Profile Summary

Samad Najjar-Ghabel received the B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardebil,
Iran and the M.S. and PhD degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran in 2013, 2015 and, 2020 respectively. He is currently assistant professor in the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ArkanEng Co. His research interest includes Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Internet of Things (IoT), Optimization algorithm and evolutionary algorithms, Data mining

🌐 Professional Profiles

🎓 Education

PhD in Information Technology Engineering (Computer Network) University of Tabriz, Iran Duration: 2016 – 2020 Thesis Title: Effective mobile sink management for performance enhancing of wireless sensor networks using artificial intelligence algorithms. Total Course Average: 19.50 (from 20) Supervision: Dr. Leili Farzinvash & Advisor Dr. Seyed Naser Razavi. Master’s degree in Computer Engineering (Software) University of Tabriz, Iran Duration: 2013 – 2015 Thesis Title: Enhancing the Performance of intrusion detection system using pre-process mechanisms. Total Course Average: 17.43 (from 20) Supervision: Prof. Leili Mohammad Khanli. Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (Software) University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Iran Duration: 2010 – 2013 Total Course Average: 18.55 (from 20) Supervision: Prof. Shahram Jamali

🏆 Honors and Awards

Top Student (PhD) First rank in University of Tabriz (Jan 2017), Top Student (BS) First rank in University of Mohaghegh Ardabili (Jan 2012), Awarded Member of National Elites Foundation Iran’s National Elite Foundation (Jan 2018)

🌟 Experiences

Assistant Professor University of Mohaghegh Ardabili – 2015 to Present University of Tabriz – Sep 2016 – Dec 2020 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ArkanEng Co., Iran – Sep 2020 – Present Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) Synaptic ApS, Denmark – Feb 2021 – Nov 2021

🎓 Certifications

Creating Virtual Reality (VR) Apps (The University of California, San Diego – edX) Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp (Udemy) Advanced Speaking and Listening Project (University of California, Irvine – Coursera)

🚀 Skills Highlights

  • Project management
  • Programming
  • Teaching
  • Scientific and industrial applications development
  • Academic writing
  • Data analysis and visualization
  • Teamwork

🌐 Professional Memberships

Talented members of University of Mohageg Ardabili, Talented members of University of Tabriz, Member of Scientific Association Electrical and Computer University of Mohageg Ardabili