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Mr. Oliver Savio Carlo| Building and Environment| Young Scientist Award


πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Oliver Savio Carlo stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Building and Environment Holding a PhD Researcher University of Salento, Italy. professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise PhD researcher specializing in passive design methods for urban air quality improvement, with a background as a sustainability consultant. Recognized for exceptional performance, adept in behavioral policy design, and implementing engineering principles in practical projects. Proficient in analyzing and implementing sustainable solutions in building design, policy-making, and urban environments. πŸ“šπŸŒπŸ”

🌐 Professional Profiles

Education πŸ“š

PhD Researcher | January 2021–Present University of Salento, Italy Focus: Enhancing ventilation and reducing air pollutant concentration in urban street canyons by studying pedestrian exposure to pollutants influenced by obstacles. M.S. Sustainable Urban Environments | 2020 Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland; LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland; University of Huelva, Spain Thesis: Explored leveraging behavioral insights to enhance energy efficiency in residential sectors, supported by the International Energy Agency. B.E. Mechanical Engineering | 2013 PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India Thesis: Investigated seismic loads’ effects on lattice towers using ‘ANSYS Workbench’.

Experience πŸ’Ό

Policy Analyst (Intern) | Feb 2020–Dec 2020 International Energy Agency (IEA) Co-authored a comprehensive report on integrating behavioral insights into energy efficiency policies. Contributed to a pivotal report detailing global energy efficiency developments. Sustainability Consultant | Mar 2014β€”May 2018 Transven Managed over 15 green building certification projects from conceptual to occupancy stages, ensuring sustainability standards. Devised energy-efficient building solutions using tools like eQUEST and Ecotect.

Technical Skills πŸ› οΈ

Simulation Tools OpenFOAM (Advanced proficiency), eQUEST, SolidWorks Flow Simulation, Ecotect CAD & 3D Modeling AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Blender Geographic Information Systems ArcGIS Programming & Office Suite Python Microsoft Office

Professional Skills πŸš€

  • Listening
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Project Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Interpersonal Skills

Certifications / Additional Works πŸ“œ

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Internship, JICA Training Program in Kyoto, Japan, Erasmus Mundus Intercultural Competence (EMIC) Program, Toastmasters International Club in Mumbai, India

Hobbies / Personal Interests 🎨

Yoga: Actively engaged in yoga, strength training, and mindfulness practices, Dance: Enthusiastic about contemporary dance, enhancing creativity and physical fitness., Reading: Avid reader with interests in personal development and efficient productivity. Cooking: Enjoys experimenting with South-Asian and Italian cuisines, fostering communal harmony through shared meals.

Top Noted Publications πŸ“š:

O.S. Carlo, S. Fellini, O. Palusci, M. Marro, P. Salizzoni, R. Buccolieri – Influence of obstacles on urban canyon ventilation and air pollutant concentration: An experimental assessment, Build. Environ. (2023).

Buccolieri, R. et al. – Obstacles influence on existing urban canyon ventilation and air pollutant concentration: A review of potential measures, Building and Environment, 214(February), 108905 (2022).

Gatto, E. et al. – Analysis of urban greening scenarios for improving outdoor thermal comfort in neighbourhoods of Lecce (Southern Italy), Climate, 9(7) (2021).

Users TCP and IEA (2020) – Behavioural insights for demand-side energy policy and programmes: An environment scan, User-Centred Energy Systems Technology Collaboration Programme.

IEA (2020) – Energy Efficiency 2020, International Energy Agency.

Orola A. (Ed). (2019) – Lahti Circular Economy Annual Review 2019, In: Lahti University of Applied Sciences Publication series, part 56, Lahti University of Applied Sciences.

Carlo, O. & Chowdhury, M. (2019) – Report on Collaboration between Lahti University of Applied Sciences and Ryokoku University. Through JICA Training Programme 2019. (Unpublished report).

Oliver Savio Carlo | Building and Environment | Young Scientist Award

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