Mr. Zahra Parvar | urban landscape |Women Researcher Award
Profile Summary
Zahra Parvar is a dedicated Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Sciences and Engineering at Gorgan University, Iran. She holds an M.Sc. in Natural Resources Engineering with a focus on Environmental Assessment. Zahra’s research, exemplified by her high-distinction theses, delves into areas like land use change modeling, climate change, and ecosystem services modeling. With a strong command of remote sensing and GIS tools, including Python and R, she contributes significantly to environmental management. Zahra has published extensively in reputable journals, showcasing her expertise in environmental science and technology. Her recent achievements include developing Python-based applications for land surface temperature retrieval and TOPSIS software.
Professional Profiles
๐ Education:
B.Sc. in Natural Resources Engineering- Environment Hakim Sabzevari University, Faculty of Geography & Environmental Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran. M.Sc in Natural Resources Engineering- Environmental Assessment. Malayer University, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Environmental Sciences, Iran. Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Sciences and Engineering Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran
๐ Theses:
Water Habitats of Iran (B.Sc. Project) Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran, 2010 High Distinction. Monitoring Land Changes and Land Degradation Using Satellite Imagery, GIS and Landscape Metrics (Case Study: Shirin Dare Watershed Basin- North Khorasan province) (M.Sc. Thesis) Malayer, Iran, 2016 High Distinction. Spatial-temporal simulation of land use/cover scenarios considering impacts of 2D/3D urban site characteristics and carbon emission patterns on land surface temperature (Ph.D. Thesis – Ongoing) Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran
๐ Research Interests:
- Land use change modeling
- Climate change
- Ecosystem services modeling
- Land Use Planning and Optimization
- Using RS and GIS for Change Detection and Modeling and Environmental Management
- Scenario-Based Modeling
- Remote Sensing
- Landscape Planning
- Sustainable Development-Urban Development
๐ Recent Achievements:
Developed a Python-based application for retrieving Land Surface Temperature (LST) from Landsat 5, 7, 8, and 9 imagery. Developed a Python-based application – TOPSIS software in the Python environment. Developed a Python-based application – Simulated Annealing Algorithm – Optimization.