🎓 Education
Ph.D. Structural Engineering, Kharazmi University, Iran (09/2021-Present) Thesis: Semi-Active Control of Offshore Platforms Using Inertial-Based Dampers Supervisor: Prof. Seyed Hossein Hosseini Lavassani (Iran) Advisor: Prof. Gebrail Bekdaş (Turkey) Cumulative GPA: 18.79 / 20.00 | Cumulative GPA on a 4.00 scale: 4.00. M.S. Structural Engineering, University of Maragheh, Iran (10/2017-02/2020) Thesis: Optimum Control of High Rise Buildings with Magneto-Rheological Damper under Near-Fault and Far-Fault Earthquake Motions Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Supervisors: Prof. Maziar Fahimi Farzam (Iran), Prof. Babak Alinejad (Iran) Advisor: Prof. Gebrail Bekdaş (Turkey) Cumulative GPA: 18.56 / 20.00 | Cumulative GPA on a 4.00 scale: 4.00. B.E. Civil Engineering, University of Maragheh, Iran (10/2013-09/2017) Cumulative GPA: 15.52 / 20.00.
🔍 Research Interests
Structural Control (with Passive, Active, and Semi-Active methods) Structural Health Monitoring Offshore Structures Vibrations Inertial-Based Dampers Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI)
🏆 Honors and Awards
Achieving elite by Iran’s National Elites Foundation (INEF), 2023. Achieving elite by Iran’s National Elites Foundation (INEF), 2022. Study for Ph.D. degree with exceptional talents program, 2021. Achieving elite by Iran’s National Elites Foundation (INEF), 2020. Graduation by obtaining the “First” rank of incoming students with a grade point average of “A” and defending the thesis with an “Excellent” grade, 2020. Winner of the grand scientific prize “Poulad” and being among the top researchers in the universities of East Azerbaijan province, 2020. Top researcher in master’s degree, 2019. Top researcher of the engineering faculty, 2019. Top paper of the conference “The first National Conference on Civil Engineering Role Reduction” in the field of structural and earthquake engineering, 2019. Study for master’s degree with exceptional talents program, 2017.
👨🏫 Assistant Experiences
Teaching Assistant:
University of Maragheh (09/2018-02/2020) Dynamics of Structures. Control of Structures. Kharazmi University (01/2023-06/2023) Control of Structures.
Research Assistant:
Assistant to Professor Maziar Fahimi Farzam (03/2018-02/2020), Assistant to Professor Seyed Hossein Hosseini Lavassani (09/2022-Present)
Technical Assistant:
- Assistant to Professor Seyed Hossein Hosseini Lavassani.