Didi Rosiyadi| Cybersecurity| Best Researcher Award

Prof. Didi Rosiyadi| Cybersecurity| Best Researcher Award 

Research Professor at Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Indonesia.

Prof. Dr. Didi Rosiyadi is a distinguished Research Professor at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia, specializing in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. He earned his Ph.D. from NTUST, Taiwan, and has held leadership roles in prestigious research institutions. An esteemed educator and researcher, he has guided numerous postgraduate students and contributed significantly to computer science. Fluent in multiple languages, he actively collaborates globally and has received numerous grants for international research initiatives. Prof. Didi is also a prolific academic, serving as an editor and reviewer for various journals.




Education 🎓

Ph.D.: Computer Science and Information Engineering, NTUST, Taiwan (2008–2013). Master’s: Computer Science, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (2001–2003). Bachelor’s: Computer Science, STMIK Bandung, Indonesia (1994–1999).

Experience 🏅

Research Professor: BRIN, 2023–Present. Lecturer: Various Indonesian universities (1999–Present). Leadership: Acting Director/Head, BRIN and LIPI (2016–2022). Editorial Roles: Chief Editor, Informatics and INKOM Journals.

Awards and Honors 🏆

Grants: BRIN-SIAT (China), BRIN-NTUST (Taiwan), LIPI Initiatives. Workshops: Asean IVO (Brunei), DAAD Summer School (Indonesia), CERN (Switzerland). Postdoctoral Programs: NTUST, Taiwan (2015, 2018). Global Collaborations: Mobility programs in Croatia, Thailand, and Geneva.

Research Focus 🔍

Domains: Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Data Security, and Informatics. Specializations: Measurement & indicators in technology and innovation. Global Research: Collaborations with institutions in Taiwan, Thailand, and Switzerland.


Prof. Dr. Didi Rosiyadi’s exemplary career, marked by leadership, global collaboration, and research excellence, positions him as a compelling nominee for the Best Researcher Award. By addressing minor gaps in publication impact and measurable leadership outcomes, he can further solidify his status as a top-tier candidate for this prestigious recognition.


  1. “A novel lightweight Machine Learning framework for IoT malware classification based on matrix block mean Downsampling”
    • Year: 2025
    • Authors: Farfoura, M.E., Mashal, I., Alkhatib, A., Batyha, R.M., Rosiyadi, D.
    • Citations: 0


  1. “Privacy-preserving reservation model for public facilities based on public Blockchain”
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Basuki, A.I., Rosiyadi, D., Susanto, H., Setiawan, I., Salim, T.I.
    • Citations: 0


  1. “A Low Complexity ML-Based Methods for Malware Classification”
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Farfoura, M.E., Alkhatib, A., Alsekait, D.M., Rosiyadi, D., AbdElminaam, D.S.
    • Citations: 0


  1. “Approximation-based homomorphic encryption for secure and efficient blockchain-driven watermarking service”
    • Year: 2023
    • Authors: Rosiyadi, D., Basuki, A.I., Ramdhani, T.I., Susanto, H., Siregar, Y.H.
    • Citations: 3


  1. “Securing the Privacy of Transactions Using Blockchain: Swap Battery Framework for Massive Subsidy Electric Motorcycle in Jakarta”
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Santoso, T.M., Nidya Neyman, S., Rosiyadi, D., Sahreza, Y., Khunaifi, A.
    • Citations: 0


  1. “Network Flow-Based Dataset Generator Based on OpenFlow SDN”
    • Year: 2023
    • Authors: Sidiq, M.F., Basuki, A.I., Haris, A.I., Taufik Yuniantoro, R.M., Rosiyadi, D.
    • Citations: 0


  1. “A Novel Deep Learning Approach Featuring Graph-Based Algorithm for Cell Segmentation and Tracking”
    • Year: 2023
    • Authors: Zhao, K., Niyogisubizo, J., Xiao, L., Rosiyadi, D., Wei, Y.
    • Citations: 1


  1. “BC-MTD: Blockchain-driven Moving Target Defense for Secure Vehicle Access”
    • Year: 2023
    • Authors: Sidiq, M.F., Basuki, A.I., Ramdhani, T.I., Susanto, H., Salim, T.I.
    • Citations: 0


  1. “Accelerating Encrypted Watermarking using Wavelet Transform and CKKS Homomorphic Encryption”
    • Year: 2022
    • Authors: Basuki, A., Setiawan, I., Rosiyadi, D., Ramdhani, T.I., Susanto, H.
    • Citations: 0


  1. “Improving Efficiency on BFV-based Encrypted Watermarking using Hadamard Product Decomposition”
    • Year: 2022
    • Authors: Basuki, A.I., Setiawan, I., Rosiyadi, D.
    • Citations: 2