Dr. Christian Chapa | biomedical sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Christian Chapa | biomedical sciences | Best Researcher Award


🌟 Profile Summary


An orderly and committed physician with over 7 years of experience in team management. Demonstrates serious attention to detail, well-developed time management skills, exceptional organization and focus. Possesses strong communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and clinical expertise. Eager to learn and contribute to research.


🌐 Professional Profiles

Work Experience

Visiting Scholar University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA September 2023 – Present Boarding Clinic Reza Boarding Clinic Medicine, Tehran, IranNovember 2021 – August 2023 Addiction Therapist Omidvaran Drug Abuse Treatment Center, Tehran, Iran November 2020 – November 2021 (Part-time) Family Medicine South Tehran Health Center, Tehran, Iran February 2018 – April 2020 Cosmetic Doctor Sigma Beauty Clinic, Tehran, Iran February 2018 – February 2019 Tasks: Filler and Botox injection, mesotherapy, and skincare. Family Medicine Rey Health Center, Rey, Tehran, Iran December 2017 – January 2018 Family Medicine Sagzabad Rural Health Center, Buin-Zahra, Qazvin, Iran January 2016 – November 2017


Postgraduate Thesis Committees

Wendy Machado Alvarez – Master in Materials Science, Universidad AutΓ³noma de Ciudad JuΓ‘rez, 2021. Karen SofΓ­a Valenzuela Villela – PhD in Materials Science, Universidad AutΓ³noma de Ciudad JuΓ‘rez, 2021. Rodolfo Alberto Arana GarcΓ­a – Master in Nanotechnology, Universidad de Sonora, 2021. SofΓ­a Alejandra Tovar Cabrera – PhD in Nanotechnology, Universidad de Sonora, 2021. Jaime Alberto QuiΓ±ones-Rabago – Master in Nanotechnology, Universidad de Sonora, 2020. Pedro Amado Hernandez-Abril – PhD in Nanotechnology, Universidad de Sonora, 2020. Itzel Arizbe Olivares-Torres – PhD in Nanotechnology, Universidad de Sonora, 2020. Ariel Abraham Arizmendi IΓ±iguez Palomares – PhD in Nanotechnology, Universidad de Sonora, 2020. Karen SofΓ­a Valenzuela-Villela – Master in Materials Science, Universidad AutΓ³noma de Ciudad JuΓ‘rez, 2020. Norma Dayani Meraz-Morales – Master in Nanotechnology, Universidad de Sonora, 2020. Bulmaro Aguilar-SΓ‘nchez – Master in Electrical Engineering, Universidad AutΓ³noma de Ciudad JuΓ‘rez, 2017. Jorge Alberto Roacho-PΓ©rez – PhD in Sciences with Orientation in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Universidad AutΓ³noma de Nuevo LeΓ³n, 2016. Maria Cristina Guevara-Neri – Master in Electrical Engineering, Synod, Universidad AutΓ³noma de Ciudad JuΓ‘rez, 2015.

Student Receiver and Guided Students Acknowledgements

Scientific Research Summer program – Delfin. Host of 14 students from various universities in Mexico and Colombia to carry out a research project in virtual mode, 2021. 1st Postgraduate Colloquium of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. Student: MarΓ­a Fernanda AmΓ©zaga – 1st place, 2021. Scientific Research Summer program – DelfΓ­n. Student: Inoe Lucrecia Lopez-Pozo from the Instituto TecnolΓ³gico de Tuxtla GutiΓ©rrez, project: β€œNanoparticles for the treatment of breast cancer,” 2020. Scientific Research Summer program – DelfΓ­n. Student: MarΓ­a BelΓ©m GarcΓ­a-San Luis from the Instituto PolitΓ©cnico Nacional, project: β€œKidney Organ-on-a-chip: Emergent technology advances toward clinically relevant models,” 2020.



General Biochemistry (2011-2021): Redesign of the syllabus, upgrade of topics, contents, and activities. Emphasis on the molecular mechanisms of human diseases. General Physical Chemistry (2016-2021): Generation of the syllabus and elaboration of the Laboratory Manual. Emphasis on fundamental concepts of physical chemistry relevant to biological systems. Biomaterials (2012, 2014): Development and general restructuring of the course, including principles of biomedical engineering, material sciences, and biomaterials chemistry. Organic Chemistry (2012-2014): Upgrading of the thematic content. Review of the structure, reactivity, and properties of organic compounds. Materials Engineering (2011, 2012): Development of the descriptive letter with emphasis on the properties of materials, applying fundamental principles in atomic and crystalline structure.

Judith Humphreys | Medicine and Dentistry | Young Scientist Award

Judith Humphreys | Medicine and Dentistry | Young Scientist Award


πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« 🌾 is an accomplished dental professional with a diverse background in education, clinical practice, and research. Holding a Doctor of Dental Science from the University of Liverpool and an array of postgraduate qualifications, including a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education from the University of Dundee,Β  has consistently excelled in academic pursuits. As a Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant at the School of Dentistry, University of Liverpool, Dr. contributes to shaping the next generation of dental professionals. With extensive experience in paediatric dentistry,Β  has worked in various capacities, including post-CCST roles at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and Kings Dental Institute. Notably, has been actively involved in research, particularly in the field of Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH), with multiple publications and presentations at esteemed conferences. In addition to a rich academic and research portfolio,Β  is dedicated to teaching, having organized, planned, and delivered seminars and lectures at various levels of dental education. With a commitment to knowledge dissemination and professional development,Β  is a valuable asset to the dental community, contributing significantly to education, research, and clinical practice. πŸ¦·πŸ“šπŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ

🌐 Professional Profiles

🏫 Education

2023: ISFE Part B, Royal College of Surgeons England 2022: Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education, University of Dundee 2022: ISFE Part A, Royal College of Surgeons England 2021: Doctor of Dental Science, University of Liverpool 2020: M Paed Dent, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow 2015: MFDS, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow Awards: John Smith Medal for Outstanding Result in MFDS Part 1 exam (RCS Edinburgh) 2013: BDS Honours, University of Glasgow Awards: Distinction in examinations 2009 and 2011. AP Husband Prize for group work 2011.

πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ Employment

2023 – Present: Senior Lecturer / Honorary Consultant, School of Dentistry, University of Liverpool 2022 – 2023: Post-CCST Paediatric Dentistry, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool 2021 – 2022: Post-CCST Paediatric Dentistry, Kings Dental Institute, London 2021: Locum Specialist Paediatric Dentistry, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool 2017 – 2021: NIHR ACF / StR in Paediatric Dentistry, Liverpool Dental Hospital 2016 – 2017: DCT3 in Paediatric Dentistry, Liverpool Dental Hospital 2015-2016: DCT2 in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kings’ College Hospital, London 2014 – 2015: DCT1 in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester 2013 – 2014: Dental Vocational Trainee, Kirkland Dental Practice, Fife

πŸ’Ό Professional Development

Audits/ Clinical Governance Projects Local Safety Standards For Invasive Procedures: Dental Extractions Prescription for Fluoride Varnish Application Gaining Consent for Looked After Children Standard Operating Procedure Dental Piggyback Standard Operating Procedure Service Evaluation – Improving Environment and Communication for Children with Autism and Learning Disability Audit – Quality of Radiographs Taken by Paediatric Dentistry Staff Service Evaluation of Awareness and Utilisation of the Dental Outpatient Department by Renal Patients Service Evaluation of Cancellations on Paediatric Dental General Anaesthetic Lists Multicentre Audit: Management of Poor Prognosis FPM Teeth Comprehensive Care General Anaesthetic List Audit Oral Surgery – Paediatric Dentistry Joint Clinic Service Evaluation Surgical Scrub Audit Management of Cranioplasty Surgical Patients Project Use Of Index of Sedation Need at Queen Mary’s Hospital Sidcup Paediatric Oral Surgery: Pre-Operative Radiograph Availability How Effective are Handovers Between DCT1s and FY2 in the maxillofacial ward? Is Sufficient Oral Hygiene Instruction Given to Patients at Kirkland Dental Practice? Audit of Labwork Prescriptions

πŸ” Research

Member of research group: UK MIH Working Group Knowledge of dental undergraduates regarding dental trauma Molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) in the UK Undergraduate Dentistry Curriculum An exploration of training disruption and opportunities experienced by Paediatric Dentistry specialty trainees during the COVID-19 pandemic Management of Children with Molar-Incisor-Hypomineralisation

πŸ‘©β€πŸ« Teaching

Postgraduate seminars 23/24 – Respiratory disease and dental anomalies seminars ISD5 and ISD8 teaching 23/24 – Research and quality improvement modules for undergraduate curriculum Dental Trauma for OMFS 2021 -2023; Teaching seminar for OMFS and dental core trainees Oncology Seminar 2023: Seminar DDSc year 1 – organised, planned and delivered Behaviour Management Postgraduate Seminar 2020 – 2022: Seminar DDSc year 1 – organised, planned and delivered Non-Pharmacological Behaviour Management Lecture 2017-2022: Lecture for 3rd year BDS / CLC2 Teach the Teacher Course 2021; 3 hour online learning course on clinical teaching (Oxford Medical) Trauma Lectures: 1. Luxation injuries; 2. Fracture injuries 2018-2021: Lecture covering trauma management and sequelae BDS3 Trauma Practical Session BDS5 2018-2020: Supervision of practical phantom head session with 30+ students Critical Appraisal Seminar 2019-2020: Critical appraisal teaching for DDSc and DCT Trauma Symposium BDS4 2019-2020: Supervision of 4th year students carrying out group work, presentations and practical tasks in the phantom head suite (placement of flexible wire splint and CaOH) Medically Compromised Children 2 2019: Cardiac, bleeding disorders, blood dyscrasias, transplant Dental Anomalies: Shapes, size and numbers 2019: Lecture covering hypodontia, hyperdontia, anomalies of shape etc.Pulpotomies and PMC Practical BDS3

πŸ“šTop Noted Publication

Molar incisor hypomineralisation: Teaching and assessment across the undergraduate dental curricula in the UK
Molar-incisor hypomineralisation combat: exploratory qualitative interviews with general dental practitioners in England regarding the management of children with molar-incisor hypomineralisation.
Management of molar-incisor hypomineralisation by general dental practitioners – part two: treatment.
Management of molar-incisor hypomineralisation by general dental practitioners – part one: diagnosis.
Management of Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH): A 1-Year Retrospective Study in a Specialist Secondary Care Centre in the UK
Idiopathic unilateral persistent hypoglossal nerve palsy – literature review and illustrative case