🎓 Education Background
Master of Pharmacy: Year: 2012 Institution: Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Pharmacy, University of Kragujevac, PhD: Years: 2012-2015 Institution: Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Serbia Field: Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology Thesis: Preconditioning of isolated heart with ischemia and proton pump inhibitors: effects on cardiodynamic and coronary flow Fellowship (Residency Program): Medical Biochemistry / 4th year
🌐 Organizational Activities
2009: Active participant, Member of the Organizing Committee of 2nd Congress of Physiological Science of Serbia with international participation. Current trends in Physiological Science. Kragujevac, Serbia, September 17-20. 2013: Active participant, Member of the Organizing Committee of Bilateral Scientific Conference “New Frontiers in Physiological Sciences – from scientific truth via friendship to the art”, Kovacica, Serbia, June 20-23. 2014: Active participant, Member of the Organizing Committee of 3rd Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade, Serbia, October 29-31. 2015: Active participant, Member of the Organizing Committee of 2nd European Section Meeting of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, October 8-10. 2018: 4th Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with International Participation: “Current Trends in Physiological Sciences: From Cell Signals to the Biology of Aging” (September 19-23, 2018, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, Niš, Republic of Serbia). 8th International Congress of Pathophysiology (satellite symposium): “OXIDATIVE STRESS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE: FROM BASIC SCIENCE TO APPLIED INVESTIGATIONS” (September 2-3, 2018, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac). 2019: Third Joint Meeting of National Physiological Societies from Slovakia and Serbia “Health Risk, Nutrition and Dietary Supplements: Oxidative Stress and Polyphenols in the Heart of Serbian Wineries” (Topola – Oplenac, Serbia, June 20-22, 2019). 6th Meeting of European Section and 7th Meeting of North American Section of the IACS (Vrnjacka Banja/Serbia, September 11-14, 2019).
👩🏫 Academic Employment
2013-2015: Assistant Trainee on Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac. 2015-2017: Assistant on Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac. 2017-2022: Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia. 2022-Present: Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia. 2016-2018: Post Doctoral Associate, Department of Physiology, University of Louisville, KY, USA. 2018-Present: Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, University of Louisville, KY, USA.
🏆 Awards
2024: The charter of the University of Saint Sava to the Center of Excellence for the study of redox balance in cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, University of Kragujevac. 2022: The best female scientist at Faculty of Medical Science according to University of Kragujevac. 2017: Travel Award 4th European Section Meeting of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, Pecs, Hungary. 2017: Meritorious Postdoctoral Fellow Poster Presentation Award – Kentucky Chapter of the American Physiological Society, Bowling Green, KY. 2016: Travel Award – 3rd European Section Meeting of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, Marseille, France.
👥 Memberships
Member of the American Heart Association, affiliated with the Hypertension Council (Membership No. 218487890) (2016-2018). Member of Serbian Physiological Society. Member of the American Physiological Society (2016-2018).
👩🔬 Mentoring
PhD Candidate: Jovana Jeremic, MS Pharm. Thesis: Cardioprotective effects of diallyl trisulfide on ischemic-reperfusion injury of isolated rat heart with metabolic syndrome: the role of oxidative stress Date of PhD Defense: 12/27/2019 (co-mentorship with Dr. Tyagi) PhD Candidate: Dragana Stanisic, DD Thesis: Effects of probiotic (Lactobacillus Rhamnosus) on parodontopathy in mice with hyperhomocysteinemia: role of dysbiosis Date of PhD Defense: 09/24/2021 (co-mentorship with Dr. Tyagi) PhD Candidate: Marina Nikolic Thesis: The role of the combined administration of the AT 1 receptor antagonist and neprilysin inhibitor in the promotion of browning in an experimental model of the metabolic syndrome and in silico identification of signaling pathways Date of PhD Defense: in process (co-mentorship with Dr. Jakovljevic) Mentor of 9 master theses for Pharmacy students in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry.
🔍 Reviewing
Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Scientific Reports. Aging. Editor for Special Issue in Frontiers of Physiology.
📚 Guest Editor
Pathophysiology – Special Issue “Cardiovascular Physiology and Haemodynamics: Haemodynamic Optimization”. Frontiers in Physiology – “Exercise in the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases”.