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 Dr. Xupeng He | Reservoir Engineering | young Scientist Award


👨‍🏫 🌾 Dr. Xupeng He is a highly accomplished Petroleum Scientist at Saudi Aramco’s EXPEC Advanced Research Center, building on a robust academic foundation. He earned a Ph.D. in Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) with a focus on fluid flow in fractured rocks. As a Postdoctoral Fellow at KAUST, he contributed to the Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center. Driven by a passion for geo-energy, his research spans coupled flow-geochemical-geomechanical processes, machine learning for geo-energy applications, CO2 leakage analysis, and underground hydrogen storage modeling. With a wealth of honors, awards, and successful research projects, Dr. Xupeng He stands as a key figure in advancing innovative solutions for the energy industry. 🌍⛽🔬

🌐 Professional Profiles

🎓 Education

Ph.D. in Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, May 2022, Thesis: Fluid Flow in Fractured Rocks: Analysis and Modeling, Supervisor: Prof. Hussein Hoteit, M.S. in Earth Science and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, June 2018, GPA: 3.70/4.0, B.S. in Resource Exploration Engineering (Oil and Gas), Chang’an University (CHD), Xi’an, China, June 2015, GPA: 3.76/4.0

👨‍💼  Professional Profile

Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (December 2022 – Present), Petroleum Scientist in EXPEC Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC), KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia (May 2022 – December 2022), Postdoctoral Fellow in Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center (ANPERC)

🔍  Research Interest

Modeling Coupled Flow-Geochemical-Geomechanical Processes. Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification for Geo-energy Applications. CO2 Leakage Analysis and Monitoring. Underground Hydrogen Storage – Modeling and Monitoring.


Reviewer for High-Ranking Journals, including SPE Journal, Advances in Water Resources, Gas Science and Engineering, Journal of Hydrology, Physics of Fluids, Energy Science & Engineering, etc. Founding Member of ARMA (American Rock Mechanics Association) KAUST Student Chapter, 2022. Saudi Research Science Institute (SRSI) Program, 2019 – 2021. Teaching Assistant, 2019 – 2022. Cofounder of HatchFrac, TAQADAM Startup Accelerator Program ($50,000 funding), 2018 – Present.

🔬  Research Project Experiences

Underground Hydrogen Storage Demonstration Project, ARAMCO Research Project, PI of modeling and monitoring, 09/2023 – 09/2028. $5 million. Develop modeling framework for subsurface hydrogen transport and storage. Develop real-time tool and model for monitoring hydrogen migration. Develop analytical model for detecting, locating, and quantifying potential hydrogen leakage. Development of Projection-based Embedded Discrete Fracture Model (pEDFM) Preprocessor for GigaPOWERS, ARAMCO Research Project, PI, 09/2023 – 09/2024. $200K. Develop preprocessor for GigaPOWERS based on projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM) for multi-phase flow in naturally fractured reservoirs. Develop coupled flow-geomechanics plugin for GigaPOWERS based on pEDFM and boundary element method. Development of a Lab-to-Field Natural Fracture Technology (NAFT) Suite, ARAMCO Research Project, PI, 09/2022 – 12/2025. $660K. Propose a comprehensive workflow bridging gaps from core to wellbore to field scales. Develop software integrating advanced analytical workflow, high-resolution simulation, and ML-assisted models. Optimize field-scale IOR/EOR based on proposed workflow. Development of ML-driven PSDT and Pc curves based on Petrophysical Rock Types from NMR logs, ARAMCO Research Project, PI, 02/2022 – 02/2024. $200K. Characterize grain surface roughness by analyzing the morphology of surface textures. Parameterize surface roughness effect on NMR T2 relaxation using the self-developed GPU-accelerated NMR simulator. Develop ML models to interpret relative permeability, capillary pressure from T2 relaxation time. Comprehensive Workflow to Model Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, ARAMCO Research Project, PI, 05/2019 – 12/2021. $200K. Assess fundamental flow mechanisms in naturally fractured reservoirs relevant to IOR/EOR schemes. Develop high-resolution mechanistic models for flow at lab-scale. Develop a fit-for-purpose upscaling tool applicable at field conditions.

🏆  Honors and award

Process Automation and Digitalization Award, IChemE November 2023. Shining Star in 2023, Aramco September 2023. Oral Paper Honorable Mention, IMAGE August 2023. Outstanding Young Professional, Aramco August 2023. Productive Employee, Aramco June 2023. Technology Milestone, Aramco February 2023. Dean’s Award June 2022. KAUST Fellowship 2017 – 2022. Outstanding Graduate Award June 2015. National College Student Mathematics Contest, 3rd Prize March 2015. Outstanding Student Leader Award September 2014. National Scholarship September 2013. National Scholarship September 2012.

📚Top Noted Publication


 2024. Hybrid Mimetic Finite Difference and Streamline Methods for Numerical Simulation of Two-phase Flow in Fractured Reservoirs. Computers and Geotechnics, 166, p.106048.

2023. A Novel Projection-based Embedded Discrete Fracture Model (pEDFM) for Anisotropic Two-phase Flow Simulation Using Hybrid of Two-point Flux Approximation and Mimetic Finite Difference (TPFA-MFD) Methods. Journal of Computational Physics, p.112736.

2023. Robust method for reservoir simulation history matching using Bayesian inversion and long-short-term memory network-based proxy. SPE Journal, 28(03), pp.983-1007.

2023. Uncertainty quantification and optimization method applied to time-continuous geothermal energy extraction. Geothermics, 110, p.102675.

2021. A corrected cubic law for single-phase laminar flow through rough-walled fractures. Advances in Water resources, 154, p.103984.

2023. Uncertainty analysis of CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers using machine learning and Bayesian optimization. Energies, 16(4), p.1684.

2022. Enhancing fracture network characterization: A data-driven, outcrop-based analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, 152, p.104997.

2023. Estimating permeability of porous media from 2D digital images. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(8), p.1614.

2022. Fracture sealing and its impact on the percolation of subsurface fracture networks. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 218, p.111023.

2022. Impacts of fracture properties on the formation and development of stimulated reservoir volume: A global sensitivity analysis. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 217, p.110852.

2022. Complexity analysis of three-dimensional stochastic discrete fracture networks with fractal and multifractal techniques. Journal of Structural Geology, 162, p.104690.

2022. Can we infer the percolation status of 3D fractured media from 2D outcrops?. Engineering Geology, 302, p.106648.

2022. Fractal and multifractal characterization of stochastic fracture networks and real outcrops. Journal of Structural Geology, 155, p.104508.

Xupeng He | Reservoir Engineering | young Scientist Award

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