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Ā Mr . MOHAMED HAMDI EL ASHAL | Biochemistry Award | Best Researcher Award

šŸ‘Øā€šŸ«Profile Summary

Efficient and detailed oriented post doctor researcher working in the field of natural products and food chemistry especially in bee products and medicinal plants. Owing to write reviews or original papers to be published in high impacted journals.

šŸŒ Professional Profiles



Qualifications šŸ“š

Post-graduation PhD. in Biochemistry (Menoufia University) Date of graduation: 2024 Area of research: Drug discovery research, Functional Food. M.SC. in Biochemistry (Menoufia University) Date of graduation: Sep. 2019 Area of research: Drug discovery research, Functional Food Analytical Biochemistry Diploma (Menoufia University) Date of graduation: May 2014 Grade: Excellent. B.Sc. in Science, Chemistry and Botany Department (Menoufia University) Date of graduation: May 2006 Grade: Very Good (83%)

Scientific Experiences šŸ”¬

  • Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry analysis (GC-MS).
  • Liquid chromatography-Mass spectrometry analysis (LC-MS-MS).
  • GNPS interpretation.
  • Writing scientific papers.
  • Reviewing scientific papers.

Fields of Interest šŸ§Ŗ

  • Natural Product Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Food Chemistry
  • Metabolomics

Conferences šŸŒ

Annual International Conference of THE EGYPTIAN FERTILITY AND STERILITY, 2023, International Association of Surgeonsā€™ Gastroenterologists and Oncologistsā€™ 5th Meeting of IASGO Egyptian Chapter, November 2021. Oral presenter in 3rd INTERNATIONAL JSPS AAE SYMPOSIUM, September 2021. Oral presenter in the 5th International Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food conference, China, 2021. Menoufia Diabetes Conference, February 28, 2020. HGIDA 14th Scientific Event on Pitfalls in Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, February 26, 2020. Training Course and Symposium on Apitherapy, December 4-5, 2019. Clinical Approach to Autoimmune Liver Diseases Postgraduate Course, November 27, 2019. IASGO Egyptian Chapter 2nd Annual Meeting, November 15-17, 2018.

Workshops šŸ› ļø

American Society of Pharmacognosy webinars about most recent applications of natural products from April 2020 to November 2020. 1st GNPS User Meeting, August 2020. ‘Hands-on featuring a successful academic career’ workshop at Chemistry Department, American University of Cairo (AUC), July 2019.

Skills šŸ› ļø

Good Command of English Intensive Course in English (Intermediate II Level, 36 Hours) Final Grade: Excellent (Minufia University) Conversation Course in English (Intermediate Level, 36 Hours) Final Grade: Excellent (Minufia University). Computer Skills Excellent Experience in Computer Software (Windows, Office, Internet) ICDL Certificate. Professional Development Pharma Mini-MBA (Certificate from ACC Group – American Canadian Center) Excellence in Negotiation Workshop (Scope Office) Advanced Presentation Skills Talent Pool Course Pharmacovigilance Basic Principles Leadership Skills and Management (Harvest Academy)


šŸ“šTop Noted Publication

  1. Title: An updated multifaceted overview of sweet proteins and dipeptides as sugar substitutes; the chemistry, health benefits, gut interactions, and safety
    • Authors: Farag, M. A., Rezk, M. M., Elashal, M. H., El-Araby, M., Khalifa, S. A., & El-Seedi, H. R.
    • Journal: Food Research International
    • Year: 2022
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2022.111853


  1. Title: Bee pollen: Clinical trials and patent applications
    • Authors: Algethami, J. S., El-Wahed, A. A. A., Elashal, M. H., Ahmed, H. R., Elshafiey, E. H., Omar, E. M., … & El-Seedi, H. R.
    • Journal: Nutrients
    • Year: 2022
    • Volume: 14
    • Issue: 14
    • DOI: 10.3390/nu14142858


  1. Title: Cosmetic applications of bee venom
    • Authors: El-Wahed, A. A. A., Khalifa, S. A., Elashal, M. H., Musharraf, S. G., Saeed, A., Khatib, A., … & El-Seedi, H. R.
    • Journal: Toxins
    • Year: 2021
    • Volume: 13
    • Issue: 11
    • DOI: 10.3390/toxins13110810


  1. Title: Bee Pollen: Current Status and Therapeutic Potential
    • Authors: Khalifa, S. A., Elashal, M. H., Yosri, N., Du, M., Musharraf, S. G., Nahar, L., & El-Seedi, H. R.
    • Journal: Nutrients
    • Year: 2021
    • Volume: 13
    • Issue: 6
    • DOI: 10.3390/nu13061876


  1. Title: Comprehensive overview on multiple strategies fighting COVID-19
    • Authors: Khalifa, S. A., Mohamed, B. S., Elashal, M. H., Du, M., Guo, Z., Zhao, C., & El-Seedi, H. R.
    • Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
    • Year: 2020
    • Volume: 17
    • Issue: 16
    • DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17165813


  1. Title: Recent insights into chemical and pharmacological studies of bee bread
    • Authors: Khalifa, S. A., Elashal, M., Kieliszek, M., Ghazala, N. E., Farag, M. A., Saeed, A., & El-Seedi, H. R.
    • Journal: Trends in Food Science & Technology
    • Year: 2020
    • Volume: 97
    • Pages: 300-316
    • DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2019.08.021


  1. Title: Apilarnil ameliorates Bisphenol A-induced testicular toxicity in adult male rats via improving antioxidant potency and PCNA expression
    • Authors: Mohamed H. Elashal, Aida A. Abd El-Wahed, Mostafa Abdelgaber Mohamed, Rania Hamad, Mabrouk Attia Abd Eldaim, Shaden A. M. Khalifa, Hesham R. El-Seedi, Mohamed F. AlAjmi, Bishoy El-Aarag
    • Journal: Reproductive Toxicology (accepted paper)
    • Year: 2024



MOHAMED HAMDI EL ASHAL | Biochemistry Award | Best Researcher Award

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