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Assist Prof Dr. Adrienne Hughes | Medical Toxicology |Best Researcher Award

Dr. Adrienne R. Hughes is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine and Medical Toxicology at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). She earned her MD with high honors from Baylor College of Medicine, completed a residency in Emergency Medicine at the University of Washington, and a fellowship in Medical Toxicology at OHSU. Board-certified in Emergency Medicine and Medical Toxicology, Dr. Hughes serves as a Medical Toxicologist and Attending Physician at OHSU and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Her research focuses on drugs of abuse, and she has received multiple awards, including the Best ToxIC Abstract Award in 2019.




🎓 Education:

  • Undergraduate and Graduate:
    • Bachelor of Science in Biology/Anthropology, Magna cum Laude, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA (2004-2008)
    • Medical Doctorate, High honors, Global Health Track, Alpha Omega Alpha, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (2009-2013)
    • Diploma in Tropical Medicine, National School of Tropical Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (2013)
  • Postgraduate:
    • Emergency Medicine Resident, University of Washington, Dept of Emergency Medicine, Seattle, WA (2013-2017)
    • Medical Toxicology Fellow, Oregon Health & Science University, Dept of Emergency Medicine, Portland, OR (2017-2019)

đź“‹ Certification:

  • American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) #61309
    • Emergency Medicine: 11/20/2018 – 12/31/2028
    • Medical Toxicology: 12/22/2020 – 12/31/2030
  • Licenses:
    • Oregon MD License – MD182371
      • Original Issue: 05/12/2017
      • Effective Date: 01/01/2024
      • Expiration Date: 12/31/2025

🏢 Professional Experience:

Assistant Professor, Dept of Emergency Medicine (2019-present) Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR. Medical Toxicologist, Dept of Emergency Medicine, Section of Medical Toxicology (2019-present) Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR. Attending Physician, Dept of Emergency Medicine (2018-present) Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Portland, OR

🏅 Honors and Awards:

Departmental: Complex Care Specialist Award, Oregon Health & Science University (June 2021) Attending of the Month, Dept of Emergency Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University (July 2020) John C. Moorhead Emergency Medicine Endowment Fund Award, Oregon Health & Science University (2018). Regional/National: Best ToxIC Abstract Award, ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting (2019) Abstract: Predictors of Poisoning Severity in Diphenhydramine Overdose Michael P. Spadafora Resident Travel Award, American College of Medical Toxicology (2016) Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Baylor College of Medicine (2013)


  • Title: Impact of social media “challenges” on poison center case volume for intentional ingestions among school-aged children: an observational study
    Authors: Marshall, R.D., Bailey, J., Lin, A., Hughes, A., Horowitz, B.Z.
    Journal: Clinical Toxicology
    Year: 2024
    Volume: 62
    Issue: 3
    Pages: 183–189
    Citations: 0


  • Title: Opioid overdoses involving xylazine in emergency department patients: a multicenter study
    Authors: Love, J.S., Levine, M., Aldy, K., Wax, P., Manini, A.F.
    Journal: Clinical Toxicology
    Year: 2023
    Volume: 61
    Issue: 3
    Pages: 173–180
    Citations: 26


  • Title: Trends in intentional abuse and misuse ingestions in school-aged children and adolescents reported to US poison centers from 2000-2020
    Authors: Hughes, A.R., Grusing, S., Lin, A., Marshall, R., Zane Horowitz, B.
    Journal: Clinical Toxicology
    Year: 2023
    Volume: 61
    Issue: 1
    Pages: 64–71
    Citations: 4


  • Title: The Toxicology Investigators Consortium Case Registry—the 2021 Annual Report
    Authors: Love, J.S., Karshenas, D.L., Spyres, M.B., Young, A., Zuckerman, M.
    Journal: Journal of Medical Toxicology
    Year: 2022
    Volume: 18
    Issue: 4
    Pages: 267–296
    Citations: 7


  • Title: Trends Over 2 Decades in Adolescent Suicidal and Recreational Ingestions of Over-the-Counter Coricidin Preparations
    Authors: Sheridan, D.C., Marshall, R., Lin, A., Hughes, A., Horowitz, B.Z.
    Journal: Pediatric Emergency Care
    Year: 2022
    Volume: 38
    Issue: 6
    Pages: E1304–E1308
    Citations: 1


  • Title: Changes in Suicidal Ingestion among Preadolescent Children from 2000 to 2020
    Authors: Sheridan, D.C., Grusing, S., Marshall, R., Hendrickson, R.G., Horowitz, B.Z.
    Journal: JAMA Pediatrics
    Year: 2022
    Volume: 176
    Issue: 6
    Pages: 604–606
    Citations: 13


  • Title: Pediatric opioid-related emergency visits offer critical opportunities for opioid safety screening and planning
    Authors: Love, J.S., Hughes, A., Hendrickson, R.G.
    Journal: American Journal of Emergency Medicine
    Year: 2022
    Volume: 55
    Pages: 199–200
    Citations: 0
Adrienne Hughes | Medical Toxicology | Best Researcher Award

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