Dr. Rajkumar Prabhakaran | Environmental Biochemistry | Best Researcher Award
Assistant Professor, SDT University India
Professional Profile
Publications Top Noted
- Identification of promoter P cadR, in silico characterization of cadmium resistant gene cadR and molecular cloning of promoter P cadR from Pseudomonas aeruginosa BC15
Authors: R Prabhakaran, SN Rajkumar, T Ramprasath, GS Selvam
Citation: Toxicology and Industrial Health 34 (12), 819-833 (14)
- Oral administration of oxalate-enriched spinach extract as an improved methodology for the induction of dietary hyperoxaluric nephrocalcinosis in experimental rats
Authors: A Albert, V Tiwari, E Paul, S Ponnusamy, D Ganesan, R Prabhakaran, …
Citation: Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 28 (3), 195-204 (13)
- Breast cancer detection using histology images: A survey
Authors: M Narendra, LJ Anbarasi, SG Jasmine, J Prassanna, R Prabhakaran
Citation: Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 12 (5)
- Male breast Cancer: current scenario and future perspectives
Authors: A Chidambaram, R Prabhakaran, S Sivasamy, T Kanagasabai, …
Citation: Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 23, 15330338241261836 (3)
- Biochemical and molecular anticancer approaches for Boerhaavia diffusa root extracts in oral cancer
Authors: D Gunaseelan, MS Ali, A Albert, R Prabhakaran, DL Beno, …
Citation: Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 18 (Suppl 2), S244-S252 (3)
- Soil dynamics modulation of stress enzymes and secondary metabolites in Allium cepa (L.) under salinity stress
Authors: S Sivasamy, AD Chandran, PS Karuppiah, RK Muthu, R Prabhakaran
Citation: Energy Nexus 6, 100063 (2)
- Comet Assay: Is it a Sensitive Tool in Ecogenotoxicology?
Authors: MS Rajendran, R Prabhakaran, S Vignesh, B Nagarathinam
Citation: Environmental Biotechnology Volume 4, 181-199 (2)
- Biocatalytic Potential of Pseudomonas Species in the Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Authors: S Sivasamy, S Rajangam, T Kanagasabai, D Bisht, R Prabhakaran, …
Citation: Journal of Basic Microbiology, e2400448 (1)
- Impact of THIONIL® on reducing water and soil micro-pollutant and enhancement of growth, survival, anti-vibrio, immunity and health indices of Litopenaeus vannamei in pond trial
Authors: R Thamarai, T Sivaprakasam, C Kamaraj, D Harikrishnan, …
Citation: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196 (1), 93 (1)
- Non-canonical RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) activity of ORF8 protein in SARS-CoV-2: Equivocal biological significance
Authors: R Venkatesan, PS Karuppiah, R Prabhakaran, V Kalimuthu, …
Citation: Authorea Preprints (1)
- Theoretical designing of acetylcholine esterase (ache) inhibitors
Authors: R Venkatesan, R Prabhakaran, IH Madar, SP Karuppiah
Citation: MOJ Biorg Org Chem 2 (1), 00051 (1)
Rajkumar Prabhakaran | Environmental Biochemistry | Best Researcher Award