Mohammed Aliouache | Hydrology | Young Scientist Award

 Dr . Mohammed Aliouache | Young Scientist Award

👨‍🏫Profile Summary

Mohammed Aliouache is a dedicated researcher and hydrologist, currently contributing to the scientific community through extensive work at HydroSciences Montpellier CNRS. His expertise spans hydrological, meteorological, and physico-chemical data processing, with a primary focus on the SNOKARST project. Holding a Ph.D. in Water and Earth Sciences from the University of Montpellier, his research has delved into inverse modeling for aquifer hydraulic property characterization, employing innovative approaches. Driven by a multidisciplinary approach, he has explored karst formation processes, with recent work on solute transport dynamics in the Lez spring conduit. His commitment to advancing scientific understanding is evident in numerous publications and contributions to the field.

🌐 Professional Profiles


📚 Education

2018 – 2021: PhD in Water and Earth Sciences, University of Montpellier Thesis: Coupling hydraulic tomography with hydrodynamic measurements for the characterization of the permeability field of heterogeneous geological reservoirs. 2016 – 2018: Master’s degree in Computer Science, University of Montpellier Dual competence in computer science, facilitating numerical modeling and software development. 2014 – 2016: Master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering, University of Pau Specialized in Petroleum Engineering with detailed knowledge of relevant teaching units. 2010 – 2013: Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering, University of Boumerdes, Algeria 2010: Baccalaureate

💼 Professional Experience

Oct 2023 – Jan 2024: Researcher at HydroSciences Montpellier CNRS Worked on processing and analyzing hydrological, meteorological, and physico-chemical data of SNOKARST. Task included gathering, processing, and analyzing data from different Karst sites in France. Objective: Keep the SNOKarst database up to date while setting up a data paper. 2022 – 2023: Researcher at HydroSciences Montpellier UM Conducted experiments and numerical modeling of solute transport in the terminal conduit of Lez spring, Southern France. Investigated the effects of conduit geometry and morphology on flow dynamics and solute transport processes. Enhanced an incipient karst genesis model, including several boundary conditions, and developed its user interface for better interaction. 2018 Internship at HydroSciences Montpellier Numerical modeling of reactive transport and dissolution in fractured limestone. Developed a tool simulating incipient karst genesis, later improved and extended with various boundary conditions. Now available on GitHub. 2016 Internship at CSTJF-PAU, Total SA Pressure transient analysis in highly fractured reservoirs. Studied the effect of explicitly modeled DFN on pressure transient analysis and explored upscaling methods of sedimentary fractured rocks.


Programming: Used to several programming languages including Matlab, R, Python…, Languages: French, English, Arabic, Kabyle (Mother tongue), Numerical modelling: Fluid mechanics, solute and reactive transport, Others: Autonomy, Team work, Adept and Versatile, Receptive


📚Top Noted Publication

The effect of seasonal variation of precipitation/recharge on karst genesis behaviors in different climatic contexts Paper Published in 2023

An inverse approach integrating flowmeter and pumping test data for three-dimensional aquifer characterization Paper Published in 2021 Cited by 7

The role of aperture heterogeneity in incipient karst evolution in natural fracture networks: Insights from numerical simulations Paper Published in 2021 Cited by 5

Incipient karst formation in carbonate rocks: Influence of fracture network topology Paper Published in 2019 Cited by 18

Characterization of horizontal transmissivity anisotropy using cross-hole slug tests Paper Published in 2018 Cited by 7

SNO KARST: A french network of observatories for the multidisciplinary study of critical zone processes in karst watersheds and aquifers Paper Published in 2018 Cited by 38