🎓 Education
Afsaneh Alizadeh holds advanced degrees in Education, specializing in comparative and intercultural education. She pursued her undergraduate and graduate studies in education at leading institutions, refining her expertise in parental engagement, educational policy, and cross-cultural pedagogies. Her doctoral research explored the role of family involvement in student success across different educational systems. She has also undertaken professional training and certifications in qualitative research, policy analysis, and educational leadership.
💼 Experience
With extensive experience in academia, Afsaneh Alizadeh has worked as a researcher, lecturer, and policy advisor. She has taught courses on educational psychology, intercultural communication, and parental engagement strategies. She has been affiliated with research institutions focusing on global education policies, collaborating on projects examining education systems in the U.S., Japan, and Iran. She has also worked with government agencies and NGOs to develop programs fostering school-family partnerships.
🏆 Awards & Honors
Alizadeh has received several accolades, including Best Paper Awards at international education conferences and recognition for her contributions to comparative education research. She has been a recipient of research grants supporting cross-national studies on parental involvement and has been invited as a keynote speaker at global education summits.
🔬 Research Focus
Her research centers on parental involvement in education, with a comparative approach to different cultural contexts. She explores how parenting styles, school communication, and community engagement affect academic achievement. Her studies highlight socio-economic influences on education, policy development, and family-school collaboration strategies.
The article by Alizadeh and Habibi makes a significant contribution to the field of intercultural education by elucidating the diverse practices of parental involvement in different cultural settings. Despite some limitations, the study’s comprehensive approach and insightful analysis render it a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award in Intercultural Education. Recognizing this work could encourage further research in this area, promoting a deeper understanding of the interplay between culture and educational practices.
2025 | Afsaneh Alizadeh, Hamdullah Habibi | Parental involvement in education: a comparative study of the United States, Japan, and Iran | Intercultural Education, DOI
2024 | Afsaneh Alizadeh, Firooz Mahmoodi, Yousef Adib | Representation of cultural patterns of individualism and collectivism in primary school textbooks | Intercultural Education, DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2024.2318144
2021 | Firooz Mahmoodi, Afsaneh Alizadeh, Rashin Jafari | The Relationship Between Teaching Styles and Autonomous Motivation Among the Faculty Members of Tabriz Universities | Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences, DOI: 10.30476/ijvlms.2021.90264.1088