Dr. Max Lenz | Health Professions | Young Scientist Award
Resident Phycisian | Medical university of vienna, Austria
Priv. Doz. Dr. med. univ. Max Lenz, PhD, is an Austrian specialist in Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the Medical University of Vienna. He pursued medical studies at the Medical University of Vienna. He completed his PhD in Vascular Biology in 2023 and obtained Venia Docendi in 2024. His clinical and research expertise lies in ischemia-reperfusion injury, inflammatory responses, and cardiac biomarkers. Dr. Lenz has authored numerous publications and received prestigious awards for his contributions to cardiovascular medicine.
Publication Profile
Dr. Lenz attended Ätsch Schule for primary education and Neulandschule Laaerberg for secondary school. He pursued medical studies at the Medical University of Vienna, where he later enrolled in a PhD program (n094) focusing on Vascular Biology from 2016 to 2023. In 2024, he was awarded Venia Docendi, recognizing his academic expertise and teaching qualification in medicine.
Dr. Lenz began his professional career as a Study Coordinator at the Division of Cardiology, Medical University of Vienna (2017–2018). He pursued a PhD in Vascular Biology (2016–2023) while completing his residency at the Medical University of Vienna (2018–2024). In 2024, he was appointed Specialist for Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the Division of Cardiology, where he continues his clinical and academic endeavors.
🏆Awards and Honors
Dr. Lenz has received multiple prestigious awards, including the ÖKG Grant (2017) for his research on mitochondrial DNA in ischemia-reperfusion injury. He won the CVC Publication Prize (2022) for his work on intracellular Na+ modulation in inflammatory response. In 2023, he received the Best Abstract Prize at ÖSKIM for his study on NSE measurements in ICU patients. In 2024, he was awarded the Medizinisch-Wissenschaftlichen Fonds des Bürgermeisters der Bundeshauptstadt Wien for research on inflammatory markers in fulminant myocarditis.