Dr. Yiping huang | orthodontics| Young Scientist Award
👨🏫 Yiping huang academic journey spans significant achievements and contributions in Stomatology and Orthodontics at Peking University. Graduating with a Ph.D. in Stomatology (an 8-year program) followed by another Ph.D. in Orthodontics, their dedication to dental research began early and flourished through their academic pursuits.
🌐 Professional Profiles
- Orcid Profile
- Peking University Stomatology (8-year program), PhD September 2006 to July 2014Peking University Orthodontics, PhD September 2014 to July 2017
💼 Work Experience
Department of Orthodontics, Peking University Hospital of Stomatology, Physician August 2017 to August 2018 Department of Orthodontics, Peking University Hospital of Stomatology Attending Physician September 2018 to July 2022 Department of Orthodontics, Peking University Hospital of Stomatology Associate Professor August 2022 to Present
🏆 Academic Achievements
I’m actively involved in researching the pathogenesis of periodontitis, biological mechanisms of orthodontic tooth movement, and bone remodeling mechanisms. Notable achievements include:
🏅 2019 Beni Solow Award from the European Orthodontics Association, 🎖 Outstanding Young Physician Award from Peking University, 🎓 Seven research grants obtained since 2017, including:, Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Research Fund of Peking University, Youth Clinical Research Fund of Chinese Stomatological Association, Youth Talent Fund of Chinese Orthodontics Association, Open projects of the State Key Laboratory for Oral Disease Research, 💡 8 national authorized patents, 📚 Authored 3 books, 📝 Published 23 SCI papers as the first author or responsible author
🔍Research, 💡Innovations, and🌱 Extension
No. of Research Project Completed and Ongoing: 7, Citation Index in Scopus/Web of Science or PubMed/Indian Citation Index: 23, No. of Consultancy and Industries Sponsored Projects: Not specified, No. of Books Published with ISBN (Text, Reference, Chapters, and Conference Proceedings): Not specified, Total Cost of All Projects in USD/INR: Not specified No. of Patent Published and Under Process: 8, No. of Journals Published in SCI and SCIE Index: 23, No. of Editorial Appointments in Journals/Conferences (Editor, Reviewer, and Member): Not specified, No. of Journals Published in Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed Index: 23, No. of Countries Visited for Research Activities: Not specified No. of Journals Published in Other Index: Not specified, No. of Research Scholars Graduated: Not specified, No. of Conference Presentations: Not specified, No. of Research Scholars Ongoing: Not specified, Cumulative Impact Factor of the Last 3 Years: Not specified H-index (Bibliometrics of the Publications based on Scopus/Web of Science): 18 No. of Invited Speaker/Resource Person: Not specified, No. of Research Conferences/Workshops Organized: Not specified, Total Number of Collaborative Activities for Research (Joint Publication/Project): Not specified, Total Number of Awards and Recognition Received: 1, Number of Functional MoUs with Other Universities/Industries/Corporate: Not specified, No. of Memberships in Professional Bodies: Not specified
Areas of Research🔍
My contributions to Research & Development, Innovations, and Extension Activities (200 words): “We have investigated the biological mechanisms of orthodontic tooth movement and revealed the role and mechanism of autophagy during these processes. We provided new strategies to improve tooth movement and reduce root resorption. Additionally, we explored the epigenetic regulatory mechanism of stem cell differentiation and constructed a new method for grafting nucleic acid molecules onto the surface of titanium materials to promote their osteogenic induction ability.”