🎓 Education
PhD in Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences,University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia (August 2020 – Present),Master in Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences,University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia (February 2017 – December 2019),Bachelor’s Degree in Food Engineering,University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia (May 2010 – July 2016)
💼 Experience
Investigator,Toxinology, Therapeutic and Food Alternatives Research Group, University of Antioquia (August 2016 – Present),Standardized analytical methods for functional ingredients and natural food preservatives.,Developed encapsulation systems.,Designed and implemented research projects.,Professor,Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences, University of Antioquia (February 2017 – Present),Advised undergraduate research projects.,Taught Unit Operations II Laboratory and Integrated Laboratory of Operations in Heat and Mass Transfer.,Product Engineer Student,Noel Company S.A.S. (January 2016 – July 2016),Conducted statistical analysis of product development trials.,Formulated a research project on child nutrition.,Prepared product labels, including nutritional and ingredient details.
Research and development of bioactive compounds and functional ingredients.Analytical method standardization.,Microencapsulation techniques and optimization.,Food product development and statistical analysis.,Academic teaching and student mentorship.