Assist Prof Dr. Elycée TINDANO |Ecology| Best Researcher Award
Elycée Tindano, a Burkinabé national, is an experienced educator and researcher specializing in Botany and Phytoecology. He holds a Doctorate in Botany and Phytoecology from Université Ouaga I Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo (2016). Currently a Maître-Assistant at Université Thomas Sankara, Tindano is a member of the university’s Performance Contract Operational Committee and has a history of significant academic and administrative contributions. His research focuses on vegetation dynamics and biodiversity conservation. He has participated in various international capacity-building programs and received several prestigious scholarships, including the ClimapAfrica and TWAS_DFG Cooperation Visits Programme.
🎓Educational Background
Doctorate: Botany and Phytoecology, Université Ouaga I Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo, 2016, DEA: Botany and Phytoecology, Université de Ouagadougou, 2010, Maitrise: Plant Biology and Physiology, Université de Ouagadougou, 2008, Licence: Biological Sciences, Université de Ouagadougou, 2007, DEUG: Chemistry-Biology, Université de Ouagadougou, 2006, Baccalauréat: Series D Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 2004, Oupela
📄Theses and Dissertations
Doctoral Thesis: Title: Etat et dynamique de la végétation et de la flore des inselbergs du Burkina Faso, Year: 2016, Institution: Université de Ouagadougou, Length: 237 pages. DEA Dissertation: Title: Etude de la végétation des formations rocheuses de Kollel et de Tin-Edjar dans la région de la mare d’Oursi (Province de l’Oudalan/Burkina Faso), Year: 2010, Institution: Université de Ouagadougou, Length: 60 pages
🏆Professional Experience
2021-Present: Member, Operational Committee, Performance Contract, Université Thomas Sankara, Oct 2020-Present: Assistant Professor in Plant Biology and Ecology, UFR-ST, Université Thomas Sankara, 2018-2021: Baccalauréat Exam Jury President, Nov 2017-Oct 2020: Assistant in Plant Biology and Ecology, Université Thomas Sankara, 2016-2017: Practical Work Monitor in Plant Biology, UFR/SVT, Université de Ouagadougou, Sep 2017-Nov 2017: Team Coordinator for Phytosociological, Dendrometric, and Edaphic Data Collection, WASCAL Research Stations, Oct 2016: Participant in Permanent Plot Inventory, Grazing Ecology, WASCAL, Bolgatanga (Ghana), Nov 2012-Feb 2013: Participant in Permanent Plot Inventory, BKF015-IFN2 Project, Expert in Herbaceous Plants
🌿Areas of Expertise
- Plant Biology
- Systematic Botany
- Ecosystem Biodiversity Conservation
- Functional Ecology
- Agro-sylvopastoralism
- Ethnobotany
📈Capacity Building
Jul 2020: Higher Education Teacher Training on Production of Educational Resources for Distance Learning, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Dec 2018: Training in Higher Education Pedagogy, Ethics, and Deontology, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Sep 2014: Urban Tree Inventory Method Training, BKF/015-IFN2 Project. Mar 2014: Training on “Fighting Climate Change through Technical Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer in The Agro-forestry Sector” (FCC-TECKTAFOR), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Mar 2013: Research Project Writing Training, Université de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Feb 2012: Homepage Updating Training, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Publications Top Notes 📝
- Effect of artisanal gold mining on woody plant diversity in Western Burkina Faso
- Year: 2024
- Authors: Tindano, E.; Ganame, M.; Bongoungou, S.; Bayen, P.
- Source: Scientific African, 24, e02221
- Plant communities on inselbergs in Burkina Faso
- Year: 2024
- Authors: Tindano, E.; Kaboré, G.E.; Porembski, S.; Thiombiano, A.
- Source: Heliyon, 10(1), e23653
- Effects of abiotic factors on the flora and vegetation of inselbergs in Burkina Faso
- Year: 2023
- Authors: Tindano, E.; Kadéba, A.; Traoré, I.C.E.; Thiombiano, A.
- Source: Environmental Advances, 12, 100378
- Inselbergs: potential conservation areas for plant diversity in the face of anthropization
- Year: 2023
- Authors: Tindano, E.; Lankoandé, B.; Porembski, S.; Thiombiano, A.
- Source: Journal of Phytology, 15, pp. 70–79
- Ecology and drought adaptation mechanisms of Caralluma adscendens N.E.Br. in western Burkina Faso
- Year: 2023
- Authors: Tindano, E.; Traore, A.; Ouoba, P.
- Source: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 17(6), pp. 2412–2428
- An overview on desiccation-tolerant mat-forming monocotyledons on tropical inselbergs
- Year: 2021
- Authors: Porembski, S.; Rexroth, J.; Weising, K.; Rabarimanarivo, M.N.; de Paula, L.F.A.
- Source: Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, 285, 151953
- Sahelian inselberg vegetation in Burkina Faso
- Year: 2015
- Authors: Tindano, E.; Ganaba, S.; Sambare, O.; Thiombiano, A.
- Source: Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, (325), pp. 21–33
- Geographical patterns of woody plants’ functional traits in Burkina Faso
- Year: 2013
- Authors: Schmidt, M.; Traoré, S.; Ouédraogo, A.; Hahn, K.; Zizka, G.
- Source: Candollea, 68(2), pp. 197–202