Phuong Nguyen | Clinical Psychology | Best Researcher Award

Ms. Phuong Nguyen | Clinical Psychology | Best Researcher Award

Phuong Nguyen at University of Vermont, United States


Ms. Phuong Nguyen is a Ph.D. candidate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Vermont. Her research explores socioemotional development and the psychological factors influencing children’s conflict resolutions. With a background in research, clinical practice, and teaching, she is committed to advancing understanding in developmental psychology and improving mental health outcomes through evidence-based interventions.




Ms. Phuong Nguyen is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Vermont, where she also completed her M.A. in Psychology in 2021. She obtained her B.S. in Psychology with honors from Trinity College in 2019.

πŸ₯πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«Professional Experience:

Ms. Nguyen has gained diverse professional experience across research, clinical practice, and teaching:

  • Research: She has served as a Graduate Research Assistant at the Socioemotional Neuroscience and Development Lab at the University of Vermont since 2019, focusing on protocol revision, IRB submissions, data collection, and analysis.
  • Clinical: Ms. Nguyen has worked as a Pre-doctoral Clinician at Timberlane Pediatrics, Clarity Laboratories, Connecting Cultures (Vermont Psychological Services), and the Autism Evaluation and Treatment Clinic (Vermont Psychological Services), providing psychotherapy and psychological evaluations to various populations.
  • Teaching: She has extensive teaching experience as a Teaching Assistant and Lab Instructor for courses such as Research Methods, Abnormal Psychology, Statistics for Psychological Science, and others at the University of Vermont and Trinity College.

Research Interests:

Ms. Nguyen’s research interests include socioemotional development, children’s conflict appraisals, and the impact of parenting styles on child behavior. She has also been involved in psychodiagnostic assessments and has contributed to studies on developmental psychopathology.

Publications Top Notes πŸ“:

1. Child temperamental negative affectivity moderates the relation between interparental conflict and child cortisol recovery

  • Authors: Nguyen, P., Schermerhorn, A.C.
  • Journal: Social Development
  • Status: Article in Press
  • Year: 2024

2. The interplay among interparental conflict, children’s emotional insecurity, neurophysiological correlates of processing interparental conflict cues, and externalizing symptoms

  • Authors: Schermerhorn, A.C., Nguyen, P., Davies, P.T.
  • Journal: Developmental Psychobiology
  • Volume: 63
  • Issue: 7
  • Year: 2021
  • Article Number: e22192


Sara Simblett | Molecular Immunology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Sara Simblett | Molecular Immunology| Best Researcher Award

Dr, King’s College London, United Kingdom

πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Sara Simblett, DClinPsy, PhD, is a versatile 🧠 clinical psychologist and researcher with extensive expertise in neuropsychology and digital health. With a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, and a PhD in Neuropsychology from the University of Cambridge, her research focuses on remote measurement technology, mental health interventions, and neuropsychological outcomes in neurological conditions. As Clinical Lecturer at King’s College London, she leads on neuropsychology for the DClinPsy training course and provides comprehensive neuropsychological assessments. Simblett also co-founded The London Neurocognitive Clinic, offering assessments and neurorehabilitation for cognitive and mental health needs. 🌟





Qualifications πŸŽ“

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London (Oct 2012 – Sept 2015): Led empirical research on neuropsychological outcomes following critical illness, focusing on PTSD symptoms and cognitive functioning. Published meta-analysis on technology for PTSD therapy and functional neurological conditions in hyper-acute stroke units. PhD in Neuropsychology, University of Cambridge (Oct 2009 – Feb 2013): Conducted a pilot RCT using technology for psychological therapy in long-term neurological conditions. Awarded studentship from NIHR ARC East of England. MSc in Neuropsychology (Distinction), University of Bristol (Oct 2007 – Sept 2008): Researched hippocampal activation during memory tests using fMRI techniques. BSc in Experimental Psychology (2:1), University of Bristol (Sept 2004 – July 2007): Conducted research on individual differences in cognitive flexibility and mental health.

Employment πŸ’Ό

Clinical Lecturer in Neuropsychology, King’s College London (Dec 2021 – Present): Leading Neuropsychology for DClinPsy training. Conducting research and providing clinical services. Clinical Psychology Research Fellow, King’s College London (May 2016 – Nov 2021): Specialized in user experience of remote measurement technology. Supervised research and provided teaching. Clinical Director, The London Neurocognitive Clinic (April 2022 – Present): Overseeing clinical operations and providing neuropsychological assessments and rehabilitation. Clinical Psychologist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (Jan 2019 – Nov 2021): Led development of remote neuropsychological interventions for serious mental health problems.

Teaching πŸ“š

Various teaching roles at King’s College London, including DclinPsy and BSc Psychology courses.

Awards/Grants πŸ†

Received grants and awards for research, including public engagement and travel grants. This diverse background in academia, clinical practice, and industry equips me to make meaningful contributions to the field of neuropsychology and mental health care.

Publications Top Notes πŸ“

  1. Title: Barriers to and facilitators of engagement with remote measurement technology for managing health: systematic review and content analysis of findings
    • Journal: Journal of medical Internet research
    • Year: 2018
    • Volume: 20
    • Issue: 7
    • Pages: e10480
    • Citations: 220


  1. Title: Digital exclusion among mental health service users: qualitative investigation
    • Journal: Journal of medical Internet research
    • Year: 2019
    • Volume: 21
    • Issue: 1
    • Pages: e11696
    • Citations: 105


  1. Title: Barriers to and facilitators of engagement with mHealth technology for remote measurement and management of depression: qualitative analysis
    • Journal: JMIR mHealth and uHealth
    • Year: 2019
    • Volume: 7
    • Issue: 1
    • Pages: e11325
    • Citations: 86


  1. Title: Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse in Major Depressive Disorder (RADAR-MDD): recruitment, retention, and data availability in a longitudinal remote measurement study
    • Journal: BMC psychiatry
    • Year: 2022
    • Volume: 22
    • Issue: 1
    • Pages: 136
    • Citations: 47


  1. Title: Patient perspectives on the acceptability of mHealth technology for remote measurement and management of epilepsy: A qualitative analysis
    • Journal: Epilepsy & Behavior
    • Year: 2019
    • Volume: 97
    • Pages: 123-129
    • Citations: 47


  1. Title: Keeping well in a COVID-19 crisis: a qualitative study formulating the perspectives of mental health service users and carers
    • Journal: Journal of Mental Health
    • Year: 2021
    • Volume: 30
    • Issue: 2
    • Pages: 138-147
    • Citations: 34



  1. Title: Engaging across dimensions of diversity: A cross-national perspective on mHealth tools for managing relapsing remitting and progressive multiple sclerosis
    • Journal: Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
    • Year: 2019
    • Volume: 32
    • Pages: 123-132
    • Citations: 32