I am a dedicated Chemical Engineering professional with a robust educational foundation from the United Kingdom. My expertise spans various aspects of chemical engineering, including process design, optimization, and safety. I have a strong track record of contributing to innovative projects and research initiatives, demonstrating a commitment to advancing the field. My practical experience is complemented by excellent problem-solving skills and a keen eye for detail, allowing me to effectively address complex engineering challenges. I am passionate about leveraging my knowledge and skills to drive sustainable and efficient engineering solutions.
🎓 Education Background
Sept. 2015 – Sep. 2018: Ph.D., Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University, Sept. 2013 – Sep. 2015: Master, Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University, Sept. 2008 – Jun. 2013: Bachelor of Medicine, Jining Medical College, Sept. 2005 – Jun. 2008: Qingdao No.2 Middle School
🎓 Education Background
2008-2012: PhD in Physics, University of Cambridge with Springer Award for Recognition of Scientific Excellence, Cavendish Laboratories, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK. 2006-2008: MPhil in Nanotechnology and Engineering, Ben-Gurion University (1st Class Honours). 2002-2006: BSc in Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University (1st Class Honours). 2002-2006: BSc in Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Israel (1st Class Honours). 2016: Medici Enterprise Training Programme, Enterprise Acceleration and Translation, UK. 2015: Masters in Learning and Teaching, Higher Education Academy, UK. 2013: Masters in Leadership and Management, Level 3, Institute of Leadership, Cambridge
💼 Career to Date
2021-Curre0nt: Professor in Microengineering and Bionanotechnology, School of Chemical Engineering. 2018-2021: Reader in Microengineering and Bionanotechnology, School of Chemical Engineering and Healthcare Technologies Institute, University of Birmingham, UK. 2016-2021: Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow, London, UK. 2013-2018: Birmingham Fellow, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK. 2012-2013: Research Fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering, Centre of Advanced Photonics and Electronics (CAPE), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 2022-Current: Director of Engineering and Physical Science College Graduate School, University of Birmingham, UK
🏅 Honors, Awards, and Evidence of Esteem
2023: Achievement Medal in Biomedical Engineering Finalist, Institute of Engineering and Technology, UK. 2022: British Biophysical Society Louise Johnson Award and Medal, UK. 2022: Cover Story on the World’s Leaders Magazine in the yearly special edition of the ‘Most Influential Women in Tech’ around the world. 2021: Royal Society of Chemistry Beilby Medal and Prize, Materials Chemistry Division, RSC, UK. 2020: Case Study Commissioned by the Royal Academy of Engineering, London, UK. 2020: News Releases: ‘New Device for Detecting Traumatic Brain Injury ‘On the Spot’. 2020: TechWomen100 National Award for senior influential women across UK in Technology and Industry. 2020: ISSF for EPSRC Case Study, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK. 2019: Honoured in the ‘Birmingham Heroes’ in Healthcare Technologies Campaign, UK. 2019: International Women in Engineering Honour – ‘Transforming the Future of Science and Engineering’, UK. 2018: All Party Parliamentary Engineering Group – House of Lords, London. Invited as envoy at the discussion, hosted by Professor the Lord Broers, regarding the Government’s Year of Engineering campaign to discuss ways we are tackling the engineering skills gap and to help widen the pool of young people who join the profession. Stephen Metcalfe MP, Government Ambassador for the Year of Engineering, discussed why the sector is of such vital importance. 2017: ‘Voice of the Future’, House of Commons Science & Technology Award, Parliament, London, Representing the Royal Academy of Engineering at session of the government Ministers of State for Research and Innovation, pitching questions to the Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, J. Johnson, MP. 2016: BBC1 News Release: ‘A breakthrough blood test for brain injuries’ & BBC 95.6FM Radio Interview. 2016: Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship for outstanding early-career researchers. 2015: Leading Female Scientists in Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK. News release on research work: ‘’Nanotechnology and Developing Novel Nano-Detection Devices’’. 2014: National Public Engagement Award: ‘Soapbox Science’, L’OREAL-UNESCO, London. A hub of scientific discussion displaying science to the public, aimed to help eliminate gender inequality in science.. 2013: Prestigious Birmingham Fellowship, University of Birmingham, UK. 2013: Award in Leadership and Management, University of Cambridge. Awarded by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge as a recognition of excellent leadership and management skills. 2013: Springer Award for Excellence Switzerland. Recognising outstanding scientific excellence. 2012: University of Cambridge Annual Reports Cover. The high-impact research was chosen to illustrate the cover titled ‘‘We All Fall Over Sometimes’’ of the University of Cambridge Annual Reports. 2011: Carl-Zeiss Imaging Award. Highlighted in the Der Spiegel and Mail Online for quirky images, which provide a visual insight into the ways in which science makes a vital contribution to our lives, interviewed on the Research News and media exposure on many websites as well as Cambridge News daily newspapers. 2011: Kodak Ltd. Young Materials Scientist Award, UK. 2009: Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholarship, University of Cambridge, UK. 2008: Graduation Award in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Israel Science Foundation. 2007: Chemical Engineering Excellence Award, Teva Industries Ltd.. 2005: Dr. Adiel Litan Undergraduate Scholarship and Prize in Chemistry. 2004: Makhtesh
💼 Research/Work Experience
July 2022 – Present: Attending Doctor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University. Nov. 2018 – June 2021: Resident, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University. June 2016 – June 2017: Visiting Scholar, Griffith University, Australia
🏆 Scholarships and Awards
2023: Young Teachers English Teaching Competition, Second Prize, Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University 2021: The First “Guangzhi Cup” English Teaching Competition in Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Third Prize July 2013: Excellent Graduate of Shandong Province Oct. 2009: National Scholarship