Daniel Torruco| Biología marina | Excellence in Research

Dr.Daniel Torruco| Biología marina | Excellence in Research

Dr. Dantor is a seasoned researcher at CINVESTAV’s Advanced Studies Research Center in Mérida, specializing in Sea Resources since 1987. With a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the National School of Biological Sciences, he pursued a Master’s in Marine Biology at CINVESTAV and earned a Doctorate in Marine Sciences with Cum Laude honors from the University of Barcelona in 1995. Over 37 years, he has held positions as associate professor and instructor researcher, demonstrating a strong dedication to marine research and education. Fluent in Spanish and English, Dr. Dantor has made significant contributions to advancing scientific knowledge in his field



Macroalgae of the sandy cays of Alacranes Reef: Gulf of Mexico

Authors: Torruco, D., González-Solis, M.A.

Journal: Journal of Phytology

Year: 2024

Unusual formations in the B. R. Chinchorro Bank: Miniature atolls

Authors: Torruco, D., González-Solís, A.

Journal: Marine Ecology

Year: 2024

Phase changes between corals in Chinchorro Bank, Mexican Caribbean reef complex | Cambios de fase entre corales en Banco Chinchorro, complejo arrecifal del Caribe Mexicano

Authors: González, M.A., Torruco, D.

Journal: Gayana

Year: 2023

Community structure of megabenthos of Perdido Fold Belt (Tamaulipas, Mexico) and its relationship with the oceanographic and sediment parameters including potential pollutants

Authors: Rubio-Polania, J.C., González-Solis, A., Enriquez, C., Nuñez-Chan, F., Torruco, D.

Journal: Marine Biology Research

Year: 2022

Megabenthic communities distributed in the outer margins of the Yucatan shelf and their relationship to environmental variables

Authors: Rubio-Polania, J., Torruco-Gómez, D., González-Solís, A., Lizarraga-Castro, I., Gutiérrez-Solís, C.

Journal: Marine Biology Research

Year: 2022

Large-scale and long-term distribution of corals in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea of Mexico and adjacent areas: Corals distribution in Mexico and adjacent areas

Authors: Torruco, D., González-Solis, A., Torruco-González, Á.D.

Journal: Regional Studies in Marine Science

Year: 2021

Megafauna benthic of outer margins of the continental shelf of Yucatan Peninsula

Authors: Rubio-Polania, J.C., Torruco-Gómez, D., González-Solis, A., Ordaz, J., Caamal-Jiménez, Y.

Journal: Regional Studies in Marine Science

Year: 2018

Macroalgae biodiversity in coral reefs of the Campeche Sound, the Mexican Caribbean and Belize | Biodiversidad de macroalgas en arrecifes coralinos de la Sonda de Campeche, el Caribe Mexicano y Belice

Authors: González-Solis, A., Torruco, D., Torruco-González, Á.D.

Journal: Gayana – Botanica

Year: 2018

Comparative analysis of mollusks in the Los Petenes Biosphere Reserve and coastal lagoons in southeastern Mexico | Análisis comparativo de los moluscos en la reserva de la biosfera Los Petenes y lagunas costeras del sureste de México

Authors: González-Solis, A., Torruco, D., Torruco-González, A.D.

Journal: Boletin de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras

Year: 2018

Fish diversity, distribution and their relationship with environmental variables in Southern Gulf of Mexico. | Diversidad y distribución de peces y su relación con variables ambientales, en el sur del golfo de México

Authors: Torruco, D., González-Solis, A., Torruco-González, Á.D.

Journal: Revista de Biologia Tropical

Year: 2018


Raja Timilsina | Sustainability | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Raja Timilsina | Sustainability | Best Researcher Award

PHD at the Asian Development Bank Institute, Japan

Raja Rajendra Timilsina, Ph.D., an Economist at the Asian Development Bank Institute, specializes in development economics, behavioral economics, and mechanism design. With a Ph.D. from Kochi University of Technology, he focuses on sustainability, agriculture, and economic behaviors. Timilsina has contributed to numerous peer-reviewed publications and research projects, showcasing his expertise in education, health, and cultural sustainability. Fluent in Japanese and English, he holds multiple awards and scholarships, including the ADB-JSP Scholarship for Masters. With extensive teaching experience and professional activities, he continues to influence policy and research in economic development and sustainability.

🔬 Experience

Economist-consultant, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), July 2023-Current Assistant Professor (Project based), Kochi University of Technology, April 2021-March 2022 Research Associate, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), April 2022-June 2023 Research Associate, Research Institute for Future Design, April 2018-March 2021 Plus various roles prior


Ph.D. in Economics, Kochi University of Technology, 2015-2018 Research Interest: Development economics, Experiment and Behavioral economics, Mechanism design Dissertation Title: Social design and sustainability of environmental resources: Learning from field experiments Masters in International Development Program (Economics), International University of Japan, 2009-2011 Bachelors of Business Administration (Finance), Tribhuvan University, 2003-2007

Awards and Scholarships

Multiple awards and scholarships including the ADB-JSP Scholarship for Masters

Research Interests

Education, Health, and Nutrition Agriculture, Climate Change, and Livelihood Economic Behaviors and Preferences Cultural Change and Intergenerational Sustainability Experimental and Development Economics

Publications Top Notes 📝