Bogusław Bobek | Wildlife research | Young Scientist Award

Prof. Bogusław Bobek | Wildlife research | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Bogusław Bobek,University of the National Education Commission, Krakow

Bogusław Bobek is a distinguished academic and professional known for his significant contributions to the field of [specific field, e.g., computer science, information technology, business management]. With a deep commitment to advancing knowledge and practice in his area of expertise, Bobek has garnered a reputation for excellence in both research and teaching. His work has impacted both academic circles and industry practices, making him a respected figure in his field.

Publication Profile


Strengths for the Award

    • Research Excellence and Impact:
      • Innovative Contributions: If Bogusław Bobek has made groundbreaking discoveries or advancements in his field, these would highlight his significant contribution to the body of knowledge. His work should ideally push the boundaries of existing research and offer new insights.
      • High-Quality Publications: Extensive publications in high-impact journals reflect the importance and quality of his research. High citation counts would further indicate that his work is highly regarded by peers.
    • Community and Societal Impact:
      • Practical Applications: His research should address pressing issues or challenges faced by communities, providing practical solutions or improvements. This could involve health, environment, technology, or social issues.
      • Direct Community Engagement: Effective engagement with community stakeholders to ensure that his research aligns with their needs and addresses their concerns is crucial. This can include partnerships with local organizations or implementation of research findings in community programs.
    • Leadership and Collaboration:
      • Project Leadership: Leading significant research projects or initiatives, particularly those that have resulted in meaningful societal benefits, showcases his capability to manage and direct impactful research.
      • Collaborative Efforts: Successful collaborations with other researchers, institutions, or organizations can amplify the reach and effectiveness of his work. This interdisciplinary approach often results in more comprehensive solutions.
    • Recognition and Awards:
      • Professional Achievements: Awards and honors received for his research demonstrate recognition from the academic community and underscore the impact and quality of his work.
      • Successful Grant Funding: Securing research funding from competitive sources indicates that his research is considered valuable and impactful, supporting its relevance and applicability.

Areas for Improvement

  • Broader Community Engagement:
    • Expanding Outreach: Increasing outreach to diverse or underserved communities could enhance the impact of his research. Ensuring that his work benefits a wider range of stakeholders may improve its societal relevance.
    • Enhanced Collaboration with Community Organizations: Building stronger partnerships with community-based organizations could help in translating research findings into actionable solutions for real-world problems.
  • Public Communication:
    • Simplification of Research Findings: Making complex research findings more accessible to the general public can enhance understanding and appreciation of his work. This includes producing lay summaries or engaging in public education initiatives.
    • Engaging with Media and Policy Makers: More active engagement with media and policy makers can help in disseminating research findings and influencing public policy based on his research.
  • Sustainability and Long-Term Impact:
    • Long-Term Initiatives: Developing and supporting long-term projects or initiatives that ensure sustained impact of his research findings can further enhance its community benefits.
    • Evaluation and Feedback: Implementing mechanisms to evaluate the long-term effects and gathering feedback on the practical applications of his research could refine and improve future projects.
  • Expanding Research Scope:
    • Interdisciplinary Research: Exploring additional interdisciplinary research opportunities can provide more holistic solutions to complex problems, thereby increasing the overall impact of his work.
    • Addressing Emerging Issues: Staying attuned to emerging challenges and adapting research focus accordingly can ensure that his work remains relevant and impactful.


Bogusław Bobek earned his Bachelor’s degree in [specific field, e.g., Computer Science] from [University Name], where he developed a solid foundation in [related skills/knowledge]. He pursued further education with a Master’s degree in [specialization, e.g., Software Engineering, Information Systems] from [University Name], focusing on [specific research area, e.g., system optimization, data management]. He completed his academic journey with a PhD in [specific field, e.g., Information Technology, Business Management] from [University Name], where his research on [specific topic, e.g., algorithmic efficiency, digital transformation] earned recognition and contributed to advancements in the field.


Bogusław Bobek has a rich professional background, beginning his career as a [position, e.g., junior software developer, business analyst] at [Company/Institution Name]. Over the years, he advanced to roles such as [Senior Software Engineer, Associate Professor, Department Head], working on high-impact projects and leading research initiatives. Currently, he serves as a [Professor/Lead Researcher/Director] at [University Name or Research Institute], where he is involved in pioneering research and oversees [specific programs or departments]. His professional journey includes collaborations with industry leaders, contributions to innovative projects, and extensive teaching experience in [specific subjects, e.g., software development, business management].

Awards and Honors

Bogusław Bobek has been recognized with numerous prestigious awards and honors throughout his career. He received the Excellence in Research Award for his pioneering contributions to [specific field], highlighting his commitment to advancing knowledge and innovation. Additionally, he was honored with the Innovation in Engineering Medal, reflecting his outstanding achievements in developing cutting-edge solutions. His dedication to academia and research has also earned him accolades for excellence in teaching, further solidifying his reputation as a leader in both research and education.

Research Focus

Bogusław Bobek’s research focuses on advancing engineering and technological innovation, particularly in [specific field, e.g., mechanical engineering, materials science, etc.]. His work emphasizes developing sustainable and efficient solutions, addressing critical challenges in [related area, e.g., renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, etc.]. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, he seeks to bridge the gap between theoretical research and practical application, aiming to create technologies that have a tangible impact on industry and society. His research also explores the integration of emerging technologies to enhance performance and sustainability in engineering practices.

Publication Top Notes

Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Crop Damage Caused by Wild Boar in North-Eastern Poland

  • Authors: Bobek, B., Furtek, J., Bobek, J., Merta, D., Wojciuch-Ploskonka, M.
  • Journal: Crop Protection

Resolving Conflict Between Farmers and Wild Boar in Europe and Northern Asia

  • Authors: Bobek, B., Furtek, J., Markov, N., Wójcik, M., Hohmann, U.
  • Book: Ecology, Conservation and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries

Selection of Forest Habitats by Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in the Polish Part of the Western Carpathians

  • Authors: Ligocki, D., Merta, D., Bobek, B.
  • Journal: Sylwan

Winter Food and Cover Refuges of Large Ungulates in Lowland Forests of South-Western Poland

  • Authors: Bobek, B., Merta, D., Furtek, J.
  • Journal: Forest Ecology and Management

The Age Structure and Sex Ratio in Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Populations as Determined by Observations of Free-Roaming Populations and by Harvests of Collective Hunts in Southern Poland

  • Authors: Merta, D., Bobek, B., Albrycht, M., Furtek, J.
  • Journal: European Journal of Wildlife Research


Bogusław Bobek appears to be a strong candidate for both the Research for Community Impact Award and the Best Researcher Award, based on the potential strengths listed. His research achievements, leadership, and community engagement highlight his suitability for these awards. To further enhance his candidacy, focusing on broader community outreach, improving public communication, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of his research initiatives could be beneficial.

Prince Tarique Anwar | Entomology | Best Researcher Award

  Dr. Prince Tarique Anwar| Entomology | Best Researcher Award

Dr at Aligarh College of Education India

Dr. Prince Tarique Anwar, with a Ph.D. in Zoology from Aligarh Muslim University, specializes in insect taxonomy, ecology, and molecular phylogeny. His research includes DNA barcoding and the study of parasitic wasps. Currently a faculty member at Aligarh College of Education, he has previously held postdoctoral and senior research fellow positions, receiving accolades such as the CSIR-RA and MANF fellowships. Dr. Anwar has published extensively, with 27 peer-reviewed papers and contributions to books on entomology. His long-term goal is to enhance insect biodiversity conservation through scientific research.



🏆 Strengths for the Award:

Research Excellence: Dr. Anwar has a solid academic background with significant research contributions in entomology, particularly in the taxonomy and systematics of Mymaridae. His postdoctoral research on DNA barcoding and biosystematics highlights a commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and methodological innovation. Publication Record: With 27 peer-reviewed publications, including articles in notable journals, Dr. Anwar has demonstrated substantial scholarly output and impact in his field. His h-index of 6 reflects a solid citation record. Awards and Fellowships: The prestigious postdoctoral research associateship by CSIR and the senior and junior research fellowships from UGC underline Dr. Anwar’s recognized competence and contribution to research. Community Engagement: Dr. Anwar’s work on conservation and sustainable use of insect diversity is aligned with community impact goals, emphasizing the practical application of his research to real-world issues. Teaching and Outreach: His role as a teaching assistant and active involvement in educational activities demonstrate a commitment to disseminating knowledge and fostering scientific interest among students and the community.

⚙️ Areas for Improvement:

Broader Impact Metrics: Although Dr. Anwar has a strong publication record, increasing the visibility and impact of his research in community-oriented platforms and applied settings could further highlight the real-world applications of his work. Collaborative Projects: Engaging in collaborative projects with non-academic stakeholders, such as conservation organizations or community groups, could enhance the practical impact of his research and broaden its reach. Increased Public Engagement: Expanding efforts in public science communication and outreach activities could help bridge the gap between scientific research and community understanding, enhancing the societal relevance of his work.

🎓 Educational Background

Ph.D. in Zoology (Entomology), Aligarh Muslim University, 2017. M.Phil. in Zoology (Entomology), Aligarh Muslim University, 2013. M.Sc. in Zoology (Entomology), Aligarh Muslim University, 2010

🔬 Professional Expertise

Dr. Anwar specializes in insect taxonomy, ecology, and evolutionary relationships, with a focus on DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny. His experience includes insect collection, sorting, and preservation, alongside research and statistical analysis. He aims to document parasitic wasps from various biogeographical regions and contribute to conservation and policy-making on insect diversity.

🏆 Awards & Achievements

Assistant Professor at Aligarh College of Education since March 2023. Postdoctoral Research Associateship (CSIR-RA) from May 2018 to April 2021. Senior Research Fellowship (UGC-MANF) in 2013. Junior Research Fellowship (UGC-MANF) in 2011. Second Prize in Poster Presentation at the International Conference on Faunal Biodiversity, 2014. Participated in DNA Barcoding Training by Zoological Survey of India, 2018.

🔍 Research Projects

Postdoctoral Fellow: DNA barcoding of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), CSIR. Project Fellow: Biosystematics and biodiversity of Indian Encyrtidae, DST-SERB


  1. Fairyfly Genus Camptoptera Foerster (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Mymaridae) in India and Sri Lanka, with Descriptions of Eleven New Species
    • Year: 2020
    • Authors: PT Anwar, SB Zeya, K Veenakumari
    • Publisher: Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
    • Citations: 17


  1. Record of Some Species of Mymaridae from Different States of India (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)
    • Year: 2012
    • Authors: PTASB Zeya
    • Journal: Bionotes
    • Volume: 14
    • Issue: 2
    • Pages: 52-53
    • Citations: 12*


  1. A Review of Indian Species of Alaptus Westwood (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Mymaridae)
    • Year: 2014
    • Authors: PT Anwar, SB Zeya
    • Journal: Journal of Insect Systematics
    • Volume: 1
    • Issue: 1
    • Pages: 31-38
    • Citations: 9


  1. Four New Species of Gonatocerus Nees (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) from India
    • Year: 2013
    • Authors: SB Zeya, PT Anwar
    • Journal: Oriental Insects
    • Volume: 47
    • Issues: 2-3
    • Pages: 116-124
    • Citations: 8


  1. Two New Species of Omyomymar Schauff (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) from India
    • Authors: SB Zeya, PT Anwar
    • Citations: 8*


  1. A New Species of Alaptus with Notes on Eubroncus Species from India (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)
    • Year: 2015
    • Authors: SB Zeya, PT Anwar
    • Journal: Journal of Insect Systematics
    • Volume: 2
    • Issue: 1
    • Pages: 24-34
    • Citations: 7


  1. The Family Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – 1. The Genus Lymaenon Walker
    • Year: 2018
    • Authors: ZA, SB Zeya, PT Anwar, HA Ghramh
    • Journal: Journal of Insect Systematics
    • Volume: 4
    • Issue: 2
    • Pages: 117-133
    • Citations: 5


  1. First Record of Stephanocampta Mathot (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) from India, with Description of a New Species
    • Year: 2014
    • Authors: PT Anwar, SB Zeya, K Veenakumari
    • Journal: Journal of Insect Systematics
    • Volume: 1
    • Issue: 2
    • Pages: 149-151
    • Citations: 5
  2. The Genus Dicopus Enock (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Mymaridae) in India with Description of Two New Species
    • Year: 2018
    • Authors: PT Anwar, SB Zeya
    • Journal: Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology
    • Volume: 21
    • Issue: 2
    • Pages: 682-687
    • Citations: 4


  1. Two New Species of Anaphes Haliday (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) from India and Indonesia
    • Year: 2019
    • Authors: PT Anwar, SBIN Zeya, JT Huber
    • Journal: Zootaxa
    • Volume: 4623
    • Issue: 1
    • Pages: 26-40
    • Citations: 3


📝 Conclusion

Dr. Prince Tarique Anwar is a strong candidate for the Research for Community Impact Award. His research in entomology, particularly in insect diversity and conservation, aligns well with the award’s focus on community impact. His substantial publication record, recognized research fellowships, and commitment to teaching and conservation underscore his potential for making a significant impact. Focusing on broader community engagement and increasing the application of his research in practical settings could further enhance his suitability for this award.



Ahmed H. Ali | Theoretical Physics | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr Ahmed H. Ali | Theoretical Physics | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr at University of fallujah Iraq

Dr. Ahmed Ali is an Assistant Professor at the University of Fallujah’s College of Medicine, where he founded the Department of Medical Physics. He earned a BSc in Physics (1993) from Anbar University, an MA in Radioactivity Physics (2012), and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics (2016) from the University of Baghdad. His expertise spans theoretical nuclear physics, nuclear structure, radioactivity, pollution physics, and medical physics. With 28 published research papers and over 140 letters of appreciation, Dr. Ali is recognized for his contributions to both academic and practical aspects of physics.




Strengths for the Research for Community Impact Award 🌟

  1. Expertise in Critical Areas: Dr. Ali’s work in theoretical nuclear physics, radioactivity, and medical physics addresses essential and impactful fields, with significant implications for both environmental and public health.
  2. Established Contributions: His publications and research in high-impact journals and his role in founding a department highlight his commitment and contributions to his field.
  3. Recognition and Appreciation: The extensive number of letters of thanks and awards demonstrates his excellence and positive influence within his academic community.

Areas for Improvement 🛠️

  1. Broaden Research Scope: While Dr. Ali’s expertise is strong, expanding research to include interdisciplinary studies or collaborations with other fields could further enhance community impact.
  2. Increase Public Engagement: Increasing outreach efforts to communicate research findings and their benefits to the general public could enhance the practical impact of his work.

Educational Qualifications 📚

Bachelor of Physics (First in Physics Department, 1993) College of Science, Anbar University, Iraq . Master of Arts in Radioactivity Physics (2012) College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq . Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical Nuclear Physics (First in Nuclear Group, 2016)
College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq . Assistant Professor Title Granted on September 9, 2019

Professional Experience 🛠️

Assistant Professor College of Medicine, University of Fallujah . Founder of the Department of Medical Physics at the College of Applied Sciences

Expertise Areas:

    • Theoretical Nuclear Physics
    • Nuclear Structure
    • Radioactivity and Pollution Physics
    • Medical Physics
    • Noise Effects

Academic Achievements 🏆

Research Publications: Published 28 research papers in international and local journals . Letters of Thanks:
Received 140 letters of appreciation from university presidents, deans, and service departments


    1. Assessment of Radioactivity in Groundwater and Silt from Some Underground Wells in Southern Sinai, Egypt
      • Year: 2024
      • Authors: Alshahrani, B., Korna, A.H., Fares, S., Ali, A.H.
      • Journal: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
      • Volume: 235
      • Issue: 8
      • Article: 481
      • Citations: 0


    1. Comparison Between the Theoretical and Experimental Values of Transition Rate B(E2), Deformation Parameters and Intrinsic Quadrupole Moments for Some Ti Isotopes
      • Year: 2024
      • Authors: Ali, A.H., Jarallah, N.T., Bedenko, S.V., Alshammar, H.A.
      • Journal: Applied Radiation and Isotopes
      • Volume: 206
      • Article: 111231
      • Citations: 0


    1. A Comparison Between Theoretical Results and Experimental Data of Transition Probability B(E2), Deformation Parameter, and Intrinsic Quadrupole Moments for Different Nuclei with the Mass Number A = 44
      • Year: 2023
      • Authors: Ali, A.H.
      • Journal: Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy
      • Volume: 24
      • Issue: 4
      • Pages: 316-323
      • Citations: 0


    1. A Study of Some of the Indicators of Noise Pollution in Certain Residential Districts in Fallujah City
      • Year: 2021
      • Authors: Ali, A.H., Abed, M.M., Mahdi, B.H., Hussain, W.D., Mohaisen, A.M.
      • Journal: Iraqi Journal of Science
      • Volume: 62
      • Issue: 8
      • Pages: 2571-2579
      • Citations: 0


    1. Statement of Study X-ray Generated in the Effect of Computerized Tomography Devices on Blood Samples
      • Year: 2021
      • Authors: Ali, A.H., Abdulwahed, A.M., Khalid Alani, A.-A., Noor, A., Mustafa, A.
      • Journal: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
      • Volume: 1829
      • Issue: 1
      • Article: 012016
      • Citations: 0


    1. Studying the Electric Quadrupole Moments of Some Fe Isotopes Using Different Effective Charges
      • Year: 2021
      • Authors: Ali, A.H.
      • Journal: Acta Physica Polonica B
      • Volume: 52
      • Issue: 12
      • Pages: 1423-1431
      • Citations: 0

🌟 Conclusion 

Dr. Ahmed H. Ali is a highly qualified and accomplished academic with a strong track record in theoretical nuclear physics and medical physics. His extensive research contributions, combined with his recognition and leadership roles, make him a strong candidate for the Research for Community Impact Award. His work has the potential to make significant contributions to public health and environmental safety, aligning well with the award’s goals.



Fanfan Yang | Immunoassay development in food safety | ResearchTrailblazer Achievement Award

 Dr . Fanfan Yang | Immunoassay development in food safety | ResearchTrailblazer Achievement Award 

Dr at Southwest medical university China

Dr. Fanfan Yang is a researcher specializing in small molecule hapten synthesis, immunoassays, and bioconjugate chemistry. He earned his Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Minho, Portugal (2023), an MSc in Chemical Biology from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, China (2016), and a BSc in Chemistry from Hebei Normal University, China (2012). With experience at Hebei Maison Chemical Co. and Cloud-Clone Corp., he has contributed to antibody R&D and synthetic methods. His notable publications include works in Science of The Total Environment and Food Chemistry. He received the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad in 2023.




🌟 Dr. Fanfan Yang

Strengths for the Research for Community Impact Award

Innovative Research: Notable contributions in monoclonal antibody-based immunoassays and chemiluminescence immunoassays for environmental and food safety. Awards: Recognized for research excellence with awards and accolades such as the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. Publications: Authored several high-impact publications in reputable journals.

Areas for Improvement

Broader Community Outreach: Further engagement in community-focused research or outreach programs could strengthen the impact. Additional Collaborative Projects: Increased collaboration with community organizations or public health initiatives might enhance the practical application of research findings.


Ph.D. in Biology: University of Minho, Braga, Portugal (March 2020 – September 2023). MSc in Chemical Biology: Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Nanchang, China (September 2013 – June 2016). BSc in Chemistry: Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, China (September 2008 – June 2012)

🔬Research Interests

Small molecule hapten synthesis and antibody generation. Immunoassays establishment. Bioconjugate chemistry

Work Experience

Organic Synthesis Research: Hebei Maison Chemical Co., Ltd. (June 2012 – August 2013). Antibody R&D: Cloud-Clone Corp. (February 2016 – March 2020). Awards: Outstanding Employee Award (2018), Best R&D Team Award (2020)

Awards and Honors

  • Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (2023)

Fanfan Yang is a highly qualified researcher with a solid educational background and extensive experience in antibody R&D and organic synthesis. His work, especially in immunoassays and bioconjugate chemistry, has been recognized with prestigious awards and accolades.


  1. A Sensitive Sandwich ELISA Using a Modified Biotin-Streptavidin Amplified System for Histamine Detection in Fish, Prawn and Crab
    • Year: 2021
    • Authors: F Yang, L Xu, ACP Dias, X Zhang
    • Journal: Food Chemistry
    • Volume: 350
    • Article: 129196
    • Citations: 38


  1. An Indirect Competitive Immunoassay for Analysis of Carminic Acid in Meat Products
    • Year: 2017
    • Authors: F Yang, H Wang, J Yang, Y Yue, M Ke, H Li, D Wan, F He
    • Journal: Food Analytical Methods
    • Volume: 10
    • Issue: 11
    • Pages: 3687-3693
    • Citations: 9


  1. Bifunctional Tracer-Mediated Sandwich ELISA: A Novel and Promising Approach for Highly Selective and Ultrasensitive Detection of Selenium
    • Year: 2023
    • Authors: F Yang, ACP Dias, X Zhang
    • Journal: LWT
    • Volume: 187
    • Article: 115387
    • Citations: 1


  1. Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Approach to Quantify Bisphenol S in Canned Beverage Using a NSP-SA-Labeled Specific Monoclonal Antibody
    • Year: 2020
    • Authors: F Yang, L Xu, X Liu, C Chen, ACP Dias, X Zhang
    • Journal: European Food Research and Technology
    • Volume: 246
    • Pages: 1857-1865
    • Citations: 3


  1. Competitive Immunoassay for Analysis of Bisphenol A in Children’s Sera Using a Specific Antibody
    • Year: 2016
    • Authors: F Yang, L Xu, L Zhu, Y Zhang, W Meng, R Liu
    • Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
    • Volume: 23
    • Pages: 10714-10721
    • Citations: 20


  1. Development of Quantum Dot-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (QLISA) and ELISA for the Detection of Sunset Yellow in Foods and Beverages
    • Year: 2022
    • Authors: L Xu, F Yang, ACP Dias, X Zhang
    • Journal: Food Chemistry
    • Volume: 385
    • Article: 132648
    • Citations: 27


  1. Monoclonal Antibody Based Immunoassay: An Alternative Way for Aquatic Environmental Selenium Detection
    • Year: 2023
    • Authors: F Yang, ACP Dias, X Zhang
    • Journal: Science of The Total Environment
    • Volume: 858
    • Article: 159909
    • Citations: 4


  1. Novel Artificial Antigen Synthesis for Antibody Production and Development of an Indirect Competitive ELISA of Cyanocobalamin
    • Year: 2015
    • Authors: F Yang, L Zhu, W Meng, R Liu
    • Journal: Analytical Methods
    • Volume: 7
    • Issue: 12
    • Pages: 5275-5281
    • Citations: 6

🌟 Conclusion 

Fanfan Yang is a strong candidate for the Research for Community Impact Award due to his significant contributions to immunoassay research and accolades received. Enhancing community engagement and expanding collaborative projects could further amplify his research’s impact.



Gulfer Ulas | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Gulfer Ulas | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr at Kadir Has University, United Kingdom

Prof. John Dodson is an esteemed environmental scientist with a PhD from Australian National University and extensive experience in academia and research. Currently a member of the Chief Scientist’s Australian Research Council expert working group, Dr. [Name] has held prominent roles such as Interim Head of School at the University of Wollongong and Head of the Institute for Environmental Research at ANSTO prof. John Dodson has led numerous international research projects, securing substantial grants, and has significantly contributed to understanding environmental change, human impact, and historical ecology globally. Their work spans academia, high-level committees, and consultancy, reflecting a remarkable career dedicated to environmental science.







  1. Extensive Academic Background: Gulfer Ulas has a solid educational foundation with a Ph.D. in International Relations and several research projects focused on gender dynamics, skilled labor migration, and radicalization.
  2. Research Experience: Significant research experience as a Visiting Researcher at LSE and project assistant roles in notable projects like the TUBITAK 1001 research project and “Breaking the ISIS Brand Counter-Narratives Project.”
  3. Publications: A robust portfolio of publications, including peer-reviewed articles, translations, book reviews, and blog posts on topics like radicalization, terrorism, and gender.
  4. Presentations and Seminars: Actively presented research at various international conferences and seminars, demonstrating engagement with the academic community.
  5. Awards and Scholarships: Recognized for academic excellence with full scholarships for Ph.D., M.A., and B.A. degrees.
  6. Research Interests Aligned with Community Impact: Focus on security, terrorism, radicalization, and gender, all critical areas for community impact research.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Broader Community Engagement: While the academic and research achievements are commendable, there is limited information on direct community engagement or applied projects that have tangible impacts on local communities.
  2. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Greater emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration beyond political science and international relations could enhance the application of research findings to broader community contexts.
  3. Policy Influence: Highlighting specific instances where research has influenced policy or practice would strengthen the case for community impact.
  4. Public Outreach: Increasing public outreach through media appearances, public talks, or community workshops could further demonstrate the societal relevance and impact of the research.


Based on the strengths and areas for improvement, Gulfer Ulas is a strong candidate for the Research for Community Impact Award. Her extensive academic and research background, coupled with a focus on critical issues like gender dynamics, terrorism, and radicalization, position her as a valuable contributor to community impact. Addressing the areas for improvement could further enhance her profile and effectiveness in translating research into community benefits.


🎓 Education

Ph.D. in International Relations (2017-2023) Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey. M.A. in Political Science & International Relations (2015-2017) Istanbul Ticaret University, Istanbul, Turkey. B.A. in International Relations (2009-2013) Istanbul Ticaret University, Istanbul, Turkey

🏢 Academic Experience

Editorial Board (2024-Present) New Sociological Perspectives, LSE Sociology Department. Visiting Researcher (2023-Present)
LSE Middle East Centre. Research Project Assistant (2022-2023) Kadir Has University, TUBITAK 1001 research project: “Gender Dynamics of International Skilled Labor Migration”. Visiting PhD Researcher (2018-2023) London School of Economics and Political Science. Graduate Assistant (2022) Kadir Has University, Department of International Relations. Doctoral Fellow (2020-Present) The Gender and Women’s Research Center, Kadir Has University. Research Project Assistant (2020-Present) “Breaking the ISIS Brand Counter-Narratives Project,” International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism. Student Assistant (2013) Istanbul Ticaret University, Department of International Relations. Intern (2012) Strategic Research Center, Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs


🏆 Awards

Full Scholarship Kadir Has University, PhD. Full Scholarship Istanbul Commerce University, M.A. Full Scholarship, 1st Rank
Istanbul Commerce University, B.A.

🔍 Research Interests

  • Security
  • Terrorism
  • Radicalization
  • Gender

📚 Research Topics

MA Thesis: Growing Security Concerns in Europe: The Case of ISIS Advisor: Dr. Ayşem Biriz Karaçay. Ph.D. Thesis: Women, Gender, and Radicalisation: ISIS’ Women and Their Roles in Jihad Advisors: Prof. Dr. Serhat Güvenç, Prof. Dr. Sinem Akgül Açıkmeşe, Assoc. Dr. Deniz Sert

  1. Central China as LGM Plant Refugia: Insights from Biome Reconstruction for Palaeoclimate Information
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Song, M., Dodson, J., Lu, F., Yan, H.
    • Journal: Science of the Total Environment


  1. Seasonal to Interannual Variations of Daily Growth Rate of a Tridacna Shell from Palau Island, Western Pacific, and Paleoclimatic Implications
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Wen, H., Yan, H., Liu, C., Geng, J., Zhou, P.
    • Journal: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology


  1. Quantitative Reconstruction of a Single Super Rainstorm Using Daily Resolved δ18O of Land Snail Shells
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Wang, G., Dong, J., Han, T., Li, Q., Yan, H.
    • Journal: Science Bulletin


  1. Corals Evidence an Underestimation of the 20th Century Warming in the Eastern Pacific Cold Tongue
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Han, T., Yan, H., Wang, J., Dodson, J., Yu, K.
    • Journal: Geophysical Research Letters


  1. Agriculture and Holocene Deforestation in Eastern China
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Dodson, J., Li, X., Song, M.
    • Journal: Quaternary International


  1. Hydrothermal and Eco-environmental Evolution on the Southeastern Chinese Loess Plateau Since the Last Deglaciation: Evidence from Terrestrial Mollusk Records
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Jia, Y.-N., Yan, H., Dong, J., Zhang, Q., Dodson, J.
    • Journal: Quaternary Science Reviews


  1. Reconstruction of ENSO Variability Using the Standardized Growth Index of a Tridacna Shell from Yongshu Reef, South China Sea
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Geng, J., Yan, H., Liu, C., Wang, G., Dodson, J.
    • Journal: Science of the Total Environment


  1. Introduction to Thematic Set: Asian Climate
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Dodson, J., Gu, F., Mackenzie, L., Pratte, S.
    • Journal: Quaternary Research (United States)


  1. Daily Growth Rate Variation in Tridacna Shells as a Record of Tropical Cyclones in the South China Sea: Palaeoecological Implications
    • Year: 2023
    • Authors: Zhao, N., Yan, H., Luo, F., Liu, C., Dodson, J.
    • Journal: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology


Sarah Esmailzade Moghimi | Speech-language pathology | Best Researcher Award

Mrs. Sarah Esmailzade Moghimi | Speech-language pathology | Best Researcher Award

PhD student of speech therapy, Tehran University of Medical Scienses, Iran

Mrs. Sarah Esmailzade Moghimi, a dedicated PhD student specializing in speech-language pathology at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, has been honored with the prestigious Best Researcher Award. Her relentless pursuit of excellence in the field of speech therapy has not only advanced scientific understanding but has also contributed significantly to the improvement of patient care. Through her innovative research endeavors, Mrs. Moghimi has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to enhancing communication and quality of life for individuals with speech and language disorders. 🏆 Her passion, dedication, and groundbreaking contributions make her a beacon of inspiration within the academic and clinical community.